diff --git a/src/rugby-score-store.c b/src/rugby-score-store.c
index e297a83f460ca2fb472237336f54abf0030f0847..c907f6c61b07798e37135583a5c77cf3700d8fb4 100644
--- a/src/rugby-score-store.c
+++ b/src/rugby-score-store.c
@@ -78,12 +78,6 @@ rugby_score_store_class_init (RugbyScoreStoreClass *klass)
 	g_object_class_install_property (obj_class, PROP_SCORE, pspecs[PROP_SCORE]);
-	/**
-	 * RugbyScoreStore::finished:
-	 * @store: the object which received the signal
-	 *
-	 * Emitted when possibilities checking has finished.
-	 */
 	signals[FINISHED] =
 		g_signal_new ("finished",
 		              G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (obj_class),
@@ -146,28 +140,12 @@ rugby_score_store_init (RugbyScoreStore *store)
 	store->score = 0;
- * rugby_score_store_new:
- *
- * Creates a #RugbyScoreStore. This can be used to update a #GtkTreeView with
- * possibilities.
- *
- * Returns: a new #RugbyScoreStore
- */
 RugbyScoreStore *
 rugby_score_store_new (void)
 	return g_object_new (RUGBY_TYPE_SCORE_STORE, NULL);
- * rugby_score_store_get_score:
- * @scores: a #RugbyScoreStore
- *
- * Gets the current score.
- *
- * Returns: the current score
- */
 rugby_score_store_get_score (RugbyScoreStore *store)
@@ -176,13 +154,6 @@ rugby_score_store_get_score (RugbyScoreStore *store)
 	return store->score;
- * rugby_score_store_set_score:
- * @scores: a #RugbyScoreStore
- * @score: the new score
- *
- * Sets the current score.
- */
 rugby_score_store_set_score (RugbyScoreStore *store,
                              gint             score)
diff --git a/src/rugby-scoring.c b/src/rugby-scoring.c
index 5e5bd6092a0af233ea1252d5636c9a869c7bb82a..0d647e722b0553ffd7ba1407bbd2e8aed2d849be 100644
--- a/src/rugby-scoring.c
+++ b/src/rugby-scoring.c
@@ -6,14 +6,6 @@ possibility_free (gpointer possibility)
     g_slice_free (RugbyPossibility, possibility);
- * rugby_scoring_get_possibilities:
- * @score: the score of a team
- *
- * Gets the possible ways of scoring @score points.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer-full): the possibilities
- */
 GPtrArray *
 rugby_scoring_get_possibilities (gint score)
@@ -54,29 +46,12 @@ rugby_scoring_get_possibilities (gint score)
     return array;
- * rugby_scoring_get_max_tries:
- * @score: the score of a team
- *
- * Gets the maximum number of tries possible for a given score. Not related to
- * Max Evans.
- *
- * Returns: the maximum number of tries possible
- */
 rugby_scoring_get_max_tries (gint score)
 	return (score % 5 == 1) ? score / UTRY_POINTS - 1 : score / UTRY_POINTS;
- * rugby_scoring_get_max_kicks:
- * @score: the score of a team
- *
- * Gets the maximum number of kicks (penalties and drop goals) for a given score.
- *
- * Returns: the maximum number of kicks possible
- */
 rugby_scoring_get_max_kicks (gint score)