{% extends "_base.html" %}

{% block content %}
	<p>You will be assessed in the following ways:</p>

		<li><a href="#gd-asteroids">Asteroids Experiment</a></li>
		<li><a href="#gd-hack">Game Design Hack (3-4 students per group)</a></li>
		<li><a href="#gd-player">Player Experience Experiments (3-4 students per group)</a></li>

	<a id="gd-asteroids">
	<h2>1. Asteroids Experiment [10%]</h2>
	<p class="lead"> Searching a design space </p>
	<p> Individual assignment</p>

		<li>Decide on parameters and possible values (50%)</li>
		<li>Create fitness function (50%)</li>

		<li> Description of parameters used in search</li>
		<li> Description of fitness function used in search</li>
		<li> Final parameters found by search</li>
		<li> Code project with the modifications</li>

	<p>Submission should be zipped into a single file and emailed to:
		 <a href="mailto:jwalto@essex.ac.uk?subject=Asteroids Submission: NAME">jwalto@essex.ac.uk</a>
		  with the subject "Asteroids Submission: NAME"</p>
	<p>Deadline: 14th May 2018, 11:59:59 (PM)</p>

	<a id="gd-hack">
	<h2>2. Game Design Hack [40%]</h2>
	<p class="lead">A good game that fits together</p>

		<li>A working game created using the framework (50%)</li>
		<li>Game has a reasonable spread of parameters (25%)</li>
		<li>Description of parameters and their effects (25%)</li>

		<li>Working game and brief description of how it works</li>
		<li>List parameters that could be used for modification and effects</li>

	<p>Submission should be zipped into a single file and emailed to:
		 <a href="mailto:jwalto@essex.ac.uk?subject=Hack Submission: TEAM_NAME">jwalto@essex.ac.uk</a>
		  with the subject "Hack Submission: TEAM_NAME"</p>
	<p>Deadline: 17th May 2018, 12:59:59 (Mid day)</p>

	<a id="gd-player">
	<h2>3. Player Experience Experiments [50%]</h2>
	<p class="lead">In groups, take a game developed as part of the game design hack and use AI experiments to determine two experiments for human player testing. Perform play testing on these variants recording relevent results and give a presentation with these findings.</p>
	<div class="mx-3">

	<h3>3a. Final Presentation [10%]</h3>
	<p class="lead">Create a presentation explaining your game, explain the two variants of your game, the metrics that you used and the results of the games</p>

		<li>Presentation explains game well (15%)</li>
		<li>Variants explained well (15%)</li>
		<li>Metrics explained well (15%)</li>
		<li>Discussion of results (30%)</li>
		<li>Presentation quality (15%)</li>
		<li>Balance of contributions to presentation (10%)</li>

		<li>The presentation itself (.pptx or .pdf)</li>
		<li>Presentation given on Week 2, Session 5 PM</li>

	<h3>3b. Final Report [40%]</h3>
	<p class="lead">Providing a written report detailing what your team did in the final experiments.</p>

		<li>Report explains game well (15%)</li>
		<li>Variants explained well (15%)</li>
		<li>Metrics explained well (15%)</li>
		<li>Discussion of results (30%)</li>
		<li>Report quality (15%)</li>
		<li>Description of contributions within the team (10%)</li>

		<li>Questionnaires, raw data, etc...</li>
		<li>Game variants</li>
		<li><a href="docs/report_template.docx">Report</a> submitted <strong>only</strong> in PDF format. </li>

	<p>Submission should be zipped into a single file and submitted to Faser by <strong>every</strong> team member.
		Please ensure the same file is submitted by all members and only one file is submitted. If you make a mistake, delete the incorrect submissions</p>
	<p>Deadline: 25th May 2018, 11:59:59 (Mid day)</p>

{% endblock %}