\subtitle{Evaluating Performance}
\date{Monday (AM), 14 May 2018}

	% What do we want?
	% What do we measure?
	% How do we measure it?
	\begin{frame}{What is Player Experience?}
		Player experience
		Collect data on how players/bots work
			What kinds of features can we collect?

	\begin{frame}{Data from humans}
		high-level human experience
		Surveys and interviews

	\begin{frame}{Data from bots}
		Internal State
		How often does a bot face a difficult choice

	\begin{frame}{Data from either}
		Final Score distribution, Game duration, Score 'drama', Statical distribution of states, Degree of challenge

	\begin{frame}{Data from populations}
	Variability of scores, skill-depth

	\section{Action Sequences}

	\begin{frame}{Data from either}
		Actions taken, Record the sequence of button-pushes


	% Simon's raw vs computed metrics.
	% Evaluating skill depth