\subtitle{Procedural Generation}
\date{Tuesday, 15 May 2018}

	\begin{frame}{History of Procedural Generation}
					\event{2006}{Dwarf Fortress}
		\note{\item Abbreviated history anyway}
		\note{\item Procedural Generation used to be used due to space constraints}
		\note{\item Nowadays it tends to be to provide more content}
		\uncover<3->{One of the most common uses for procedural generation is levels}

	\section{Level Generation}
	% level generation
		\frametitle{Examples: Rogue}
			\item Spawned an entire genre based on procedural generation.
			\item Randomly generated dungeons

			What methods are commonly used for generating levels?
			\item Binary Space Partitioning
			\item Random walks
			\item Cellular Automata
			\item Answer Set Programming
			\item Noise-based
			\item Grid Based

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Cellular Automata}
		\item Some states (2 or more)
		\item You need a rule (eg, if at least 4 of your neighbours are alive, then return alive, else return dead.)
for tile in grid:
	neighbors = get_alive_neighbours(tile)
	grid[tile] = rule(neighbours)


	\frametitle{Grid Based}
		\item Split the map into blocks
		\item Pick (or generate) a template for each block
		\item Place template on grid

	Examples: \gametitle{UFO: Enemy Unknown}, \gametitle{\href{http://tinysubversions.com/spelunkyGen2/}{Spelunky}}

	\frametitle{Noise Based}
		\item Generate noise (usually gradient Noise)
		\item Interpret noise as values
		\item Place template on grid
	Examples: \gametitle{The Dwarves of Glistenveld}, \gametitle{\href{https://notch.tumblr.com/post/3746989361/terrain-generation-part-1}{Minecraft}}

	% music, units, etc...
		\frametitle{Generating Assets}
			\item Mostly game specific
			\item Not as much available publicly about how these are done.
			\item Used widely by games and film industry
			\item Mixed procedural generation and hand-crafted
		\href{https://someuser-321.github.io/TreeGenerator/TreeD.html}{A bit like this...}

		\item Randomly generated weapons
		\item Over 17,750,000 different combinations
		\item Lots of properties which determines effects

	\frametitle{Galactic Arms Race}
		\item Generate Weapons based on particle systems
		\item Based on NEAT evolutionary algorithm
		\item Choices based on what the player does
		\item Adapt to the player's experience based on usage

	\frametitle{Papers, Please}
		\item Procedural generated people with procedurally generated documents
		\item Gameplay dependant on unpredictability
		\item Hand crafted story elements
	\section{Full Games}
	% games by angelina
	\begin{frame}{Full Games}
			\item What about games?
			\item We can try and generate those to
			\item Try to evolve games that need skill
			\item \url{http://www.gamesbyangelina.org/games/}