diff --git a/include/fggl/app.hpp b/include/fggl/app.hpp
index b07203a601e381c73cb2687cd0e2907dd6009189..0fffefb57abf3b9a6fb42e4f6f28744c59603040 100644
--- a/include/fggl/app.hpp
+++ b/include/fggl/app.hpp
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ namespace fggl {
 			 * A state is responsible for managing user interaction with the app. When created, the appstate
 			 * is passed a reference to the application that owns it. The lifetime of the state is bounded
 			 * by the lifetype of this object.
+             *
+             * Ie. the lifetime of reference to the App is at least that of the AppState.
 			 * @param owner a non-owned reference to the owner of the state.
@@ -72,8 +74,24 @@ namespace fggl {
 			virtual void render(gfx::Graphics &paint) = 0;
+            /**
+             * Notify the State it has just been switched to.
+             *
+             * This state should perform any setup it requires (eg, registering callbacks, requesting 
+             * resources, etc...).
+             *
+             * FIXME: This should probably be RAII
+             */
 			virtual void activate() {}
+            /**
+             * Notify the State it is about to be switched from.
+             *
+             * This state should perform any cleanup it requires (eg, unregistering callbacks, freeing
+             * resources, etc...).
+             *
+             * FIXME: This should probably be RAII
+             */
 			virtual void deactivate() {}
 			[[nodiscard]] inline auto owner() const -> App& {
@@ -84,9 +102,27 @@ namespace fggl {
 			App &m_owner;
+    /*! \class App app.hpp fggl/app.hpp
+     *
+     * Main entrypoint to the game framework.
+     */
 	class App {
+            /**
+             * Create an instance of an application, with a set of modules and name.
+             *
+             * The name is used to derrive verious settings, such as the location of same games and user
+             * configuration and content.
+             */
 			explicit App(modules::Manager *manager, const Identifer &name);
+            /**
+             * Create an instance of an application, with a set of modules and name.
+             *
+             * This version of the constructor allows explicitly setting the name used for user-data rather
+             * than derriving it from the application name. This is useful if you want to use a shortened
+             * version of your application name for configuration.
+             */
 			App(modules::Manager *manager, const Identifer &name, const Identifer &folderName);
 			// class is non copy-able
@@ -96,32 +132,65 @@ namespace fggl {
 			auto operator=(const App &other) -> App & = delete;
 			auto operator=(App &&other) -> App & = delete;
+            /**
+             * Set the currently active window.
+             *
+             * FIXME: this is a nasty hack to get round the setup order for windows, graphics APIs and
+             * screen refreshes. Should be fixed with observer pattern.
+             */
 			inline void setWindow(display::Window *window) {
 				m_window = window;
 			 * Perform main game loop functions.
+             *
+             * You should pass in argc and argv used to invoke main to this method. At the moment it does
+             * not use these, but in the future they will be used to provide game-agnostic options.
 			auto run(int argc, const char **argv) -> int;
+            /**
+             * Register a new state with the application.
+             * 
+             * States are intended to be a block of code which can be started, will execute a single frame
+             * of work, and can be invoked repeatedly. For example, a main menu, options menu, 
+             * single-player game and multi-player game might be all be suitable to be states. When a state
+             * change is requested, the currently running state is stopped and garabage collected.
+             *
+             * This is similar to the concept of an 'activity' in Android.
+             */
 			template<typename T>
 			auto addState(const Identifer &name) -> T * {
 				static_assert(std::is_base_of<AppState, T>::value, "States must be AppStates");
 				return m_states.put<T>(name, *this);
+            /**
+             * Request the game changes states.
+             *
+             * This will be executed at the next opporunity (most likley next iteration of the game loop).
+             * Identifer should be an identifier used when calling addState, and the state should previouslly
+             * been registered using addState.
+             */
 			inline void change_state(const Identifer &name) {
 				m_expectedScene = name;
-				/*m_states.active().deactivate();
-				m_states.change(name);
-				m_states.active().activate();*/
+            /**
+             * Return the currently active state (the state that is currently executing).
+             */
 			inline auto active_state() const -> AppState & {
 				return m_states.active();
+            /**
+             * Get a pointer to a service.
+             *
+             * This is the primary way in which states can get access to resources they require.
+             *
+             * returns nullptr if the service does not exist, or cannot be provided.
+             */
 			template<typename T>
 			inline auto service() -> T * {
 				try {
diff --git a/include/fggl/modules/manager.hpp b/include/fggl/modules/manager.hpp
index 48acb0c2d8aa6aaa49d76cc3c8bfbdcf49b3cc4d..b29490ef55160ec5e164394744abaca3fef77045 100644
--- a/include/fggl/modules/manager.hpp
+++ b/include/fggl/modules/manager.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "fggl/debug/logging.hpp"
 #include "fggl/ds/graph.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
 #include <queue>
 #include <vector>
 #include <map>
@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ namespace fggl::modules {
+            // FIXME this should be in cpp file
 			bool buildGraph() {
 				// resolve links between modules
 				for (auto &moduleItr : m_modules) {
@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ namespace fggl::modules {
 				return { this };
+            //FIXME this should be in cpp file!
 			void resolve() {
 				assert( !m_locked );
 				if (!buildGraph()) {