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  • gamedev/fggl
  • onuralpsezer/fggl
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with 633 additions and 171 deletions
target_sources( ${PROJECT_NAME}
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC Freetype::Freetype)
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
namespace fggl::gui {
Widget *Container::getChildAt(const math::vec2 &point) {
auto Container::getChildAt(const math::vec2 &point) -> Widget * {
for (auto &child : m_children) {
if (child->contains(point)) {
return child->getChildAt(point);
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
return nullptr;
bool Container::contains(const math::vec2 &point) {
auto Container::contains(const math::vec2 &point) -> bool {
return true;
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
int rows = m_children.size() / m_cols;
// figure out the width and heights
float* widths = new float[m_cols]{0.0F};
float* heights = new float[rows]{0.0F};
auto* widths = new float[m_cols]{0.0F};
auto* heights = new float[rows]{0.0F};
for ( auto idx = 0U; idx < m_children.size(); ++idx) {
auto& child = m_children[idx];
int col = idx % m_cols;
......@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
// populate the grid
fggl::math::vec2i pos{0, 0};
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
unsigned int row = 0;
unsigned int col = 0;
for ( auto& child : m_children ) {
fggl::math::vec2i size{ widths[col], heights[row] };
child->size(pos, size);
......@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
// cleanup variables
delete[] widths;
delete[] heights;
......@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
void Panel::render(gfx::Paint &paint) {
// background painting time
gfx::Path2D background(topLeft());
background.colour(math::vec3(32.0f / 255.0f, 74.0F / 255.0F, 135.0F / 255.0F));
background.colour(math::vec3(32.0F / 255.0F, 74.0F / 255.0F, 135.0F / 255.0F));
draw_box(background, topLeft(), bottomRight());
......@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
FontLibrary::FontLibrary(data::Storage *storage) : m_context(nullptr), m_storage(storage) {
m_defaultFont = getFont(DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);
FontLibrary::~FontLibrary() {
// free all fonts
for (auto &face : m_cache) {
face.second = nullptr;
m_defaultFont = nullptr;
// shut the library down
GlyphMetrics &FontFace::populateMetrics(char letter) {
auto FontFace::populateMetrics(char letter) -> GlyphMetrics & {
if (FT_Load_Char(m_face, letter, FT_LOAD_RENDER)) {
// something bad happened
return m_metrics['?'];
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
return it.first->second;
void FontFace::texture(char letter, int &width, int &height, void **buff) {
void FontFace::texture(char letter, int &width, int &height, unsigned char **buff) {
if (FT_Load_Char(m_face, letter, FT_LOAD_RENDER)) {
// something bad happened
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 11/03/23.
#include "fggl/gui/model/parser.hpp"
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
namespace fggl::gui::model {
Widget* YamlToWidgetTree(WidgetFactory& factory, const YAML::Node& config) {
Widget* root;
if ( config["template"] ) {
root = config["template"].as<std::string>());
} else {
root = factory.buildEmpty();
// deal with attrs
for ( auto attr : config["attrs"] ) {
// deal with child nodes
for ( auto child : config["children"] ) {
Widget* childWidget = YamlToWidgetTree(factory, child);
// are we a template definition?
if ( config["define"] ) {
factory.push( config["define"].as<std::string>(), std::move(*root) );
return factory.getTemplate( config["define"].as<std::string>() );
return root;
inline Widget* parseFile(WidgetFactory& factory, const std::string& path) {
YAML::Node root = YAML::LoadFile(path);
if ( !root ){
return nullptr;
return YamlToWidgetTree(factory, root);
\ No newline at end of file
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 11/03/23.
#include "fggl/gui/model/structure.hpp"
#include "fggl/gui/fonts.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
namespace fggl::gui::model {
math::vec2 calcTextBounds(const std::string& value, std::shared_ptr<FontFace> face) {
if ( face == nullptr ){
debug::warning("No preferred font sent, cowardly refusing to process text");
return {};
math::vec2 max{0, 0};
for (auto letter : value) {
auto metrics = face->metrics(letter);
max.x += metrics.size.x + (metrics.advance >> 6);
max.y = std::max(max.y, metrics.size.y);
return max;
inline math::vec2 calcBoxContrib(const Widget& widget, const std::string& name) {
return math::vec2{
widget.get_or_default<float>( name + "::left") + widget.get_or_default<float>(name + "::right"),
widget.get_or_default<float>( name + "::top" ) + widget.get_or_default<float>( name + "::bottom" )
void Widget::calcPrefSize(std::shared_ptr<FontFace> face) {
if ( !m_dirty ){
auto padding = calcBoxContrib( *this, "padding");
auto border = calcBoxContrib( *this, "border");
auto content = math::vec2{0,0};
if (hasAttr("text")) {
content += calcTextBounds( get<std::string>("text"), std::move(face) );
m_cachedSize = padding + content + content;
debug::info("my preferred size is: ({}, {})", m_cachedSize.x, m_cachedSize.y);
m_dirty = false;
\ No newline at end of file
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 11/03/23.
#include "fggl/gui/renderer/renderer.hpp"
namespace fggl::gui::renderer {
constexpr int PADDING = 15;
void draw_box(gfx::Path2D &path, glm::vec2 topLeft, glm::vec2 bottomRight) {
path.moveTo({topLeft.x, topLeft.y});
path.pathTo({bottomRight.x, topLeft.y});
path.pathTo({bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y});
path.pathTo({topLeft.x, bottomRight.y});
path.pathTo({topLeft.x, topLeft.y});
void draw_border_patch(gfx::Paint& paint, Box& bounds, Box& size, math::vec3 colour) {
gfx::Path2D path({0,0});
// draw edges
draw_box(path, {bounds.left + size.left,}, {bounds.right - size.right, +} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.right - size.right, +}, {bounds.right, bounds.bottom - size.bottom} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.left + size.left, bounds.bottom - size.bottom}, {bounds.right - size.right, bounds.bottom} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.left, +}, {bounds.left + size.left, bounds.bottom - size.bottom} );
// draw-corners
draw_box(path, {bounds.left,}, {bounds.left + size.left, +} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.right - size.right,}, {bounds.right, +} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.left, bounds.bottom - size.bottom}, {bounds.left + size.left, bounds.bottom} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.right - size.right, bounds.bottom - size.bottom}, {bounds.right, bounds.bottom});
void draw_border_solid(gfx::Paint& paint, Box& bounds, Box& size, math::vec3 colour) {
gfx::Path2D path({0,0});
// draw edges
draw_box(path, {bounds.left,}, {bounds.right, +} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.right - size.right, +}, {bounds.right, bounds.bottom - size.bottom} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.left, bounds.bottom - size.bottom}, {bounds.right, bounds.bottom} );
draw_box(path, {bounds.left, +}, {bounds.left + size.left, bounds.bottom - size.bottom} );
void draw_background_solid(gfx::Paint& paint, Box& bounds, math::vec3 colour) {
gfx::Path2D path({0,0});
draw_box(path, {bounds.left,}, {bounds.right, bounds.bottom} );
void layout(model::Widget& current) {
if ( current.isLeaf() ) {
// if the widget has a defined size, use that
if ( current.hasAttr("size") && !current.hasAttr("text") ) {
// else, use the model's preferred size
auto preferred = current.preferredSize();
if ( preferred.has_value() ) {
current.set<math::vec2>("size", preferred.value() );
} else {
auto topPad = current.get_or_default<float>("border:top") + current.get_or_default<float>("padding::top");
auto leftPad = current.get_or_default<float>("border::left") + current.get_or_default<float>("padding::left");
math::vec2 size = {topPad, leftPad};
// layout all children
for ( auto& child : current ) {
auto childSize = child.get_or_default<math::vec2>("size");
size.x = std::max( childSize.x, size.x );
size.y += childSize.y;
child.set<math::vec2>("position", {leftPad, size.y});
// set our size based on that
current.set<math::vec2>("size", size );
void visit(const model::Widget& root, gfx::Paint& paint, Box offset) {
// get border size
auto border = get_box(root, "border");
// calculate box bounds
auto pos = get_vec2(root, "position");
auto size = get_vec2(root, "size");
auto bounds = getBounds(pos, size); +=;
bounds.left += offset.left;
// deal with right hand size bounds
//bounds.right = std::min( size.x, offset.width() );
//bounds.right += offset.left;
// deal with bottom bounds
//bounds.bottom = std::min( size.y, offset.height() );
//bounds.bottom +=;
auto background = bounds.trim(border);
draw_background_solid(paint, background, get_vec3_rgb(root, "colour"));
draw_border_patch(paint, bounds, border, get_vec3_rgb(root, "border::colour"));
auto padding = get_box(root, "padding");
background = background.trim(padding);
if ( root.hasAttr("text") ) {
auto text = root.get<std::string>("text");
paint.text(text, {background.left, + PADDING});
for (const auto& child : root) {
visit(child, paint, background);
} // namespace fggl::gui:;renderer
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
namespace fggl::gui {
void buttonBorder(gfx::Path2D &path, glm::vec2 pos, glm::vec2 size) {
void button_border(gfx::Path2D &path, glm::vec2 pos, glm::vec2 size) {
// outer box
path.colour({1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
path.colour({1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F});
path.pathTo({pos.x + size.x, pos.y});
path.pathTo({pos.x + size.x, pos.y + size.y});
path.pathTo({pos.x, pos.y + size.y});
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
math::vec2 innerTop{pos.x + 5, pos.y + 5};
math::vec2 innerBottom{pos.x + size.x - 5, pos.y + size.y - 5};
path.colour({1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f});
path.colour({1.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F});
path.moveTo({innerTop.x, innerTop.y});
path.pathTo({innerBottom.x, innerTop.y});
path.pathTo({innerBottom.x, innerBottom.y});
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
const auto bottomRight{topLeft + size};
// background
path.colour({0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f});
path.colour({0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F});
draw_box(path, topLeft, bottomRight);
// fill
......@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
innerBottom.x = innerTop.x + barWidth;
// draw the bar
path.colour({0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
path.colour({0.8F, 0.0F, 0.0F});
draw_box(path, innerTop, innerBottom);
// part of the bar that's not filled in
math::vec2 emptyTop{innerBottom.x, innerTop.y};
math::vec2 emptyBottom{trueBottom, innerBottom.y};
path.colour({0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
path.colour({0.4F, 0.0F, 0.0F});
draw_box(path, emptyTop, emptyBottom);
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
math::vec2 selectorTop{innerTop.x + selectorValue - (selectorWidth / 2), topLeft.y};
math::vec2 selectorBottom{selectorTop.x + selectorWidth, bottomRight.y};
path.colour({1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});
path.colour({1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F});
draw_box(path, selectorTop, selectorBottom);
......@@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
math::vec2 innerTop{pos.x + 5, pos.y + 5};
math::vec2 innerBottom{pos.x + size.x - 5, pos.y + size.y - 5};
math::vec3 baseColour{0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
math::vec3 baseColour{0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F};
if (active) {
baseColour *= 1.2f;
baseColour *= 1.2F;
if (pressed) {
baseColour *= 0.8f;
baseColour *= 0.8F;
math::vec3 lightColour{baseColour * 1.2f};
math::vec3 darkColour{baseColour * 0.8f};
math::vec3 lightColour{baseColour * 1.2F};
math::vec3 darkColour{baseColour * 0.8F};
if (pressed) {
// flip light and dark for selected buttons
auto tmp = darkColour;
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace fggl::gui {
m_label.size(topLeft(), size());
std::string Button::label() const {
auto Button::label() const -> std::string {
return m_label.text();
......@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ namespace fggl::input {
// see
auto &camTransform = ecs.get<fggl::math::Transform>(cam);
auto &camComp = ecs.get<fggl::gfx::Camera>(cam);
auto &mouse = input.mouse;
const auto &mouse = input.mouse;
glm::vec4 position(camTransform.origin(), 1.0f);
glm::vec4 pivot(, 1.0f);
glm::vec4 position(camTransform.origin(), 1.0F);
glm::vec4 pivot(, 1.0F);
glm::mat4 view = glm::lookAt(camTransform.origin(),, camTransform.up());
glm::vec3 viewDir = -glm::transpose(view)[2];
glm::vec3 rightDir = glm::transpose(view)[0];
......@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ namespace fggl::input {
float yAngle = (-mouse.axisDelta(fggl::input::MouseAxis::Y)) * deltaAngleY;
// rotate the camera around the pivot on the first axis
glm::mat4x4 rotationMatrixX(1.0f);
glm::mat4x4 rotationMatrixX(1.0F);
rotationMatrixX = glm::rotate(rotationMatrixX, xAngle, fggl::math::UP);
position = (rotationMatrixX * (position - pivot)) + pivot;
// rotate the camera aroud the pivot on the second axis
glm::mat4x4 rotationMatrixY(1.0f);
// rotate the camera around the pivot on the second axis
glm::mat4x4 rotationMatrixY(1.0F);
rotationMatrixY = glm::rotate(rotationMatrixY, yAngle, rightDir);
glm::vec3 finalPos = (rotationMatrixY * (position - pivot)) + pivot;
......@@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ namespace fggl::input {
glm::vec3 motion(0.0F);
float delta = input.mouse.axis(fggl::input::MouseAxis::SCROLL_Y);
if ((glm::length(dir) < maxZoom && delta < 0.0f) || (glm::length(dir) > minZoom && delta > 0.0f)) {
if ((glm::length(dir) < maxZoom && delta < 0.0F) || (glm::length(dir) > minZoom && delta > 0.0F)) {
motion -= (forward * delta);
camTransform.origin(camTransform.origin() + motion);
void process_freecam(entity::EntityManager &ecs, const Input &input, entity::EntityID cam) {
float rotationValue = 0.0f;
glm::vec3 translation(0.0f);
float rotationValue = 0.0F;
glm::vec3 translation(0.0F);
auto &keyboard = input.keyboard;
const auto &keyboard = input.keyboard;
auto &settings = ecs.get<FreeCamKeys>(cam);
// calculate rotation (user input)
......@@ -107,24 +107,24 @@ namespace fggl::input {
auto camTransform = ecs.get<fggl::math::Transform>(cam);
auto camComp = ecs.get<fggl::gfx::Camera>(cam);
glm::vec4 position(camTransform.origin(), 1.0f);
glm::vec4 pivot(, 1.0f);
glm::vec4 position(camTransform.origin(), 1.0F);
glm::vec4 pivot(, 1.0F);
// apply movement
if (translation != glm::vec3(0.0f)) {
if (translation != glm::vec3(0.0F)) {
const auto rotation = (position - pivot);
const float angle = atan2f(rotation.x, rotation.z);
const auto rotationMat = glm::rotate(MAT_IDENTITY, angle, fggl::math::UP);
auto deltaMove = (rotationMat * glm::vec4(translation, 1.0f)) * PAN_SPEED;
deltaMove.w = 0.0f;
auto deltaMove = (rotationMat * glm::vec4(translation, 1.0F)) * PAN_SPEED;
deltaMove.w = 0.0F;
position += deltaMove;
pivot += deltaMove;
// apply rotation
if (rotationValue != 0.0f) {
if (rotationValue != 0.0F) {
glm::mat4 rotation = glm::rotate(MAT_IDENTITY, rotationValue, fggl::math::UP);
position = (rotation * (position - pivot)) + pivot;
......@@ -134,24 +134,24 @@ namespace fggl::input {
void process_edgescroll(entity::EntityManager &ecs, const Input &input, entity::EntityID cam) {
glm::vec3 translation(0.0f);
glm::vec3 translation(0.0F);
auto &mouse = input.mouse;
const auto &mouse = input.mouse;
// calculate movement (user input)
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::Y) < 0.9f) {
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::Y) < 0.9F) {
translation -= fggl::math::RIGHT;
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::Y) > -0.9f) {
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::Y) > -0.9F) {
translation += fggl::math::RIGHT;
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::X) > -0.9f) {
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::X) > -0.9F) {
translation += fggl::math::FORWARD;
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::X) < 0.9f) {
if (mouse.axis(MouseAxis::X) < 0.9F) {
translation -= fggl::math::FORWARD;
......@@ -159,17 +159,17 @@ namespace fggl::input {
auto &camTransform = ecs.get<fggl::math::Transform>(cam);
auto &camComp = ecs.get<fggl::gfx::Camera>(cam);
glm::vec4 position(camTransform.origin(), 1.0f);
glm::vec4 pivot(, 1.0f);
glm::vec4 position(camTransform.origin(), 1.0F);
glm::vec4 pivot(, 1.0F);
// apply movement
if (translation != glm::vec3(0.0f)) {
if (translation != glm::vec3(0.0F)) {
const auto rotation = (position - pivot);
const float angle = atan2f(rotation.x, rotation.z);
const auto rotationMat = glm::rotate(MAT_IDENTITY, angle, fggl::math::UP);
auto deltaMove = (rotationMat * glm::vec4(translation, 1.0f)) * PAN_SPEED;
deltaMove.w = 0.0f;
auto deltaMove = (rotationMat * glm::vec4(translation, 1.0F)) * PAN_SPEED;
deltaMove.w = 0.0F;
position += deltaMove;
pivot += deltaMove;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
max = maxElm(max, point);
AABB AABB::fromPoints(const std::vector<math::vec3> &points) {
auto AABB::fromPoints(const std::vector<math::vec3> &points) -> AABB {
AABB box;
for (const auto &point : points) {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
// this feels like something that should be vectorizable...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (m[i][j] > 0.0f) {
if (m[i][j] > 0.0F) {
min[j] += m[i][j] * other.min[j];
max[j] += m[i][j] * other.max[j];
} else {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
Plane Plane::fromPoints(const math::vec3 p1, const math::vec3 p2, const math::vec3 p3) {
auto Plane::fromPoints(const math::vec3 p1, const math::vec3 p2, const math::vec3 p3) -> Plane {
const auto e3 = p2 - p1;
const auto e1 = p3 - p2;
auto normal = glm::normalize(glm::cross(e3, e1));
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
return {normal, d};
static math::vec3 bestFitNormal(const std::vector<math::vec3> &points) {
static auto bestFitNormal(const std::vector<math::vec3> &points) -> math::vec3 {
math::vec3 result;
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
return glm::normalize(result);
static float bestFitD(const std::vector<math::vec3> &points, glm::vec3 normal) {
static auto bestFitD(const std::vector<math::vec3> &points, glm::vec3 normal) -> float {
math::vec3 sum;
for (auto &point : points) {
for (const auto &point : points) {
sum += point;
sum *= 1.0F / points.size();
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
const char b;
static bary_axis baryCalcAxis(const math::vec3 &normal) {
static auto baryCalcAxis(const math::vec3 &normal) -> bary_axis {
if ((fabs(normal.x) >= fabs(normal.y)) && (fabs(normal.x) >= fabs(normal.z))) {
// discard x
return {Y, Z};
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
bool Triangle::CartToBarycentric(const math::vec3 &cart, Barycentric &outVal) {
auto Triangle::CartToBarycentric(const math::vec3 &cart, Barycentric &outVal) -> bool {
// everything is const because I'm paying the compiler is smarter than me...
const auto d1 = v[1] - v[0];
......@@ -134,19 +134,19 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
const float v4 = cart[ax.b] - v[2][ax.b];
const float denom = v1 * u2 - v2 * u1;
if (denom == 0.0f) {
if (denom == 0.0F) {
return false;
// finally, we can work it out
const float oneOverDenom = 1.0f / denom;
const float oneOverDenom = 1.0F / denom;
outVal.b[0] = (v4 * u2 - v2 * u4) * oneOverDenom;
outVal.b[1] = (v1 * u3 - v3 * u1) * oneOverDenom;
outVal.b[2] = 1.0f - outVal.b[0] - outVal.b[1];
outVal.b[2] = 1.0F - outVal.b[0] - outVal.b[1];
return true;
bool Triangle::CartToBarycentric2(const math::vec3 &cart, Barycentric &outVal) {
auto Triangle::CartToBarycentric2(const math::vec3 &cart, Barycentric &outVal) -> bool {
const auto e1 = v[2] - v[1];
const auto e2 = v[0] - v[2];
const auto e3 = v[1] - v[0];
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace fggl::math::phs3d {
const auto normal = glm::normalize(glm::cross(e1, e2));
const auto denom = glm::dot(glm::cross(e1, e2), normal);
assert(denom != 0.0f);
assert(denom != 0.0F);
outVal.b[0] = glm::dot(glm::cross(e1, d3), normal) / denom;
outVal.b[1] = glm::dot(glm::cross(e2, d1), normal) / denom;
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
#include "fggl/math/triangulation.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace fggl::math {
......@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ namespace fggl::math {
// deal with the indices
const auto nTris = polygon.size() - 2;
for (auto i = 0u; i < nTris; i++) {
for (auto i = 0U; i < nTris; i++) {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
namespace fggl::phys {
bool NullPhysics::factory(modules::ModuleService serviceName, modules::Services &serviceManager) {
auto NullPhysics::factory(modules::ServiceName serviceName, modules::Services &serviceManager) -> bool {
if (serviceName == phys::PhysicsProvider::service) {
serviceManager.bind<phys::PhysicsProvider, NullPhysicsProvider>();
return true;
......@@ -25,34 +25,36 @@
namespace fggl::platform {
inline static std::filesystem::path get_user_path(const char *env, const char *fallback) {
const char *path = std::getenv(env);
if (path != nullptr) {
return {path};
namespace {
inline auto get_user_path(const char *env, const char *fallback) -> std::filesystem::path {
const char *path = std::getenv(env);
if (path != nullptr) {
return {path};
return {fallback};
return {fallback};
static std::vector<std::filesystem::path> get_path_list(const char *env, const char *folderName) {
const char *pathList = std::getenv(env);
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> paths;
if (pathList) {
std::string pathListStr(pathList);
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while (pos < pathListStr.size()) {
std::string::size_type nextPos = pathListStr.find(':', pos);
if (nextPos == std::string::npos) {
nextPos = pathListStr.size();
auto get_path_list(const char *env, const char *folderName) -> std::vector<std::filesystem::path> {
const char *pathList = std::getenv(env);
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> paths;
if (pathList) {
std::string pathListStr(pathList);
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while (pos < pathListStr.size()) {
std::string::size_type nextPos = pathListStr.find(':', pos);
if (nextPos == std::string::npos) {
nextPos = pathListStr.size();
std::string path = pathListStr.substr(pos, nextPos - pos);
paths.push_back(std::filesystem::path(path) / folderName);
pos = nextPos + 1;
std::string path = pathListStr.substr(pos, nextPos - pos);
paths.push_back(std::filesystem::path(path) / folderName);
pos = nextPos + 1;
return paths;
return paths;
EnginePaths calc_engine_paths(const char *base) {
auto calc_engine_paths(const char *base) -> EnginePaths {
auto dataDirs = get_path_list(ENV_DATA_DIRS, base);
if (dataDirs.empty()) {
for (const auto &defaultDir : DEFAULT_DATA_DIRS) {
......@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ namespace fggl::platform {
std::filesystem::path locate_data(const EnginePaths &paths, const std::filesystem::path &relPath) {
auto locate_data(const EnginePaths &paths, const std::filesystem::path &relPath) -> std::filesystem::path {
auto userPath = paths.userData / relPath;
if (std::filesystem::exists(userPath)) {
return userPath;
......@@ -98,11 +100,11 @@ namespace fggl::platform {
return debugPath;
// if the file existed, it shoudl exist in the user space
// if the file existed, it should exist in the user space
return userPath;
std::filesystem::path locate_config(const EnginePaths &paths, const std::filesystem::path &relPath) {
auto locate_config(const EnginePaths &paths, const std::filesystem::path &relPath) -> std::filesystem::path {
auto userPath = paths.userConfig / relPath;
if (std::filesystem::exists(userPath)) {
return userPath;
......@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ namespace fggl::platform {
return userPath;
std::filesystem::path locate_cache(const EnginePaths &paths, const std::filesystem::path &relPath) {
auto locate_cache(const EnginePaths &paths, const std::filesystem::path &relPath) -> std::filesystem::path {
auto userPath = paths.userCache / relPath;
if (std::filesystem::exists(userPath)) {
return userPath;
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace fggl::scenes {
m_input = app.service<input::Input>();
void GameBase::update(float dt) {
void GameBase::update(float /*dt*/) {
// detect the user quitting
if (m_input != nullptr) {
bool escapePressed = m_input->keyboard.pressed(glfwGetKeyScancode(GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE));
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace fggl::scenes {
void Game::update(float dt) {
void Game::update(float /*dt*/) {
assert(m_world && "called game update, but there was no world - was activate called?");
if (m_input != nullptr) {
......@@ -67,18 +67,23 @@ namespace fggl::scenes {
if (escapePressed) {
if ( m_input->keyboard.pressed(glfwGetKeyScancode(GLFW_KEY_F2)) ) {
m_debug = !m_debug;
if (m_phys != nullptr) {
// debug render toggle
void Game::render(fggl::gfx::Graphics &gfx) {
if (m_world != nullptr) {
gfx.drawScene(*m_world, m_debug);
......@@ -22,19 +22,21 @@ namespace fggl::scenes {
using fggl::input::MouseButton;
using fggl::input::MouseAxis;
BasicMenu::BasicMenu(fggl::App &app) : AppState(app), m_inputs(nullptr), m_active(), m_hover(nullptr) {
m_inputs = app.service<input::Input>();
constexpr float SCREEN_WIDTH = 1920.0F;
constexpr float SCREEN_HEIGHT = 1080.0F;
BasicMenu::BasicMenu(fggl::App &app) : AppState(app), m_inputs(app.service<input::Input>()), m_active(), m_cursorPos(), m_hover(nullptr) {
void BasicMenu::update(float dt) {
void BasicMenu::update(float /*dt*/) {
if (m_inputs != nullptr) {
m_cursorPos.x = m_inputs->mouse.axis(MouseAxis::X);
m_cursorPos.y = m_inputs->mouse.axis(MouseAxis::Y);
// in canvas space
math::vec2 projected;
projected.x = math::rescale_ndc(m_cursorPos.x, 0, 1920.f);
projected.y = math::rescale_ndc(m_cursorPos.y, 0, 1080.0f);
projected.x = math::rescale_ndc(m_cursorPos.x, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH);
projected.y = math::rescale_ndc(m_cursorPos.y, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
if (m_inputs->mouse.pressed(MouseButton::LEFT)) {
......@@ -61,24 +63,23 @@ namespace fggl::scenes {
void BasicMenu::add(const std::string &name, callback cb) {
m_items[name] = cb;
void BasicMenu::add(const std::string &name, const Callback& callback) {
m_items[name] = callback;
const math::vec2 btnSize{150.0f, 30.0f};
const math::vec2 btnSize{150.0F, 30.0F};
const float spacing = 5;
const float padX = 50.0f;
const float padY = 50.0f;
const float padX = 50.0F;
const float padY = 50.0F;
// figure out the position based off the old logic
// FIXME should be the container's job
math::vec2 pos{1920.0f - (padX + btnSize.x), padY};
auto btnIdx = m_items.size() - 1;
pos.y += (btnIdx * (btnSize.y + spacing));
math::vec2 pos{SCREEN_WIDTH - (padX + btnSize.x), padY};
pos.y += ( (m_items.size()-1.0F) * (btnSize.y + spacing));
// build the button
auto btn = std::make_unique<gui::Button>(pos, btnSize);
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace fggl::util {
std::map<GUID, std::string> guidTable;
GUID internString(const char *str) {
auto intern_string(const char *str) -> GUID {
assert(str != nullptr);
GUID guid = make_guid(str);
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace fggl::util {
return guid;
std::string guidToString(GUID guid) {
auto guid_to_string(GUID guid) -> std::string {
auto tableValue = guidTable.find(guid);
if (tableValue != guidTable.end()) {
return tableValue->second;
......@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ namespace fggl::util {
fggl::util::GUID operator "" _fid(const char *str) {
auto operator "" _fid(const char *str) -> fggl::util::GUID {
return fggl::util::make_guid(str);
fggl::util::GUID operator "" _fid(const char *str, std::size_t) {
auto operator "" _fid(const char *str, std::size_t) -> fggl::util::GUID {
return fggl::util::make_guid(str);
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#define assertm(exp, msg) assert(((void)msg, exp))
#define ASSERT_MSG(exp, msg) assert(((void)(msg), exp))
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ namespace fggl {
* A state is responsible for managing user interaction with the app. When created, the appstate
* is passed a reference to the application that owns it. The lifetime of the state is bounded
* by the lifetype of this object.
* Ie. the lifetime of reference to the App is at least that of the AppState.
* @param owner a non-owned reference to the owner of the state.
......@@ -72,11 +74,27 @@ namespace fggl {
virtual void render(gfx::Graphics &paint) = 0;
* Notify the State it has just been switched to.
* This state should perform any setup it requires (eg, registering callbacks, requesting
* resources, etc...).
* FIXME: This should probably be RAII
virtual void activate() {}
* Notify the State it is about to be switched from.
* This state should perform any cleanup it requires (eg, unregistering callbacks, freeing
* resources, etc...).
* FIXME: This should probably be RAII
virtual void deactivate() {}
inline App& owner() {
[[nodiscard]] inline auto owner() const -> App& {
return m_owner;
......@@ -84,46 +102,97 @@ namespace fggl {
App &m_owner;
/*! \class App app.hpp fggl/app.hpp
* Main entrypoint to the game framework.
class App {
explicit App(modules::Manager *serivces, const Identifer &name);
App(modules::Manager *services, const Identifer &name, const Identifer &folderName);
* Create an instance of an application, with a set of modules and name.
* The name is used to derrive verious settings, such as the location of same games and user
* configuration and content.
explicit App(modules::Manager *manager, const Identifer &name);
* Create an instance of an application, with a set of modules and name.
* This version of the constructor allows explicitly setting the name used for user-data rather
* than derriving it from the application name. This is useful if you want to use a shortened
* version of your application name for configuration.
App(modules::Manager *manager, const Identifer &name, const Identifer &folderName);
// class is non copy-able
App(const App &app) = delete;
App(const App &&app) = delete;
App &operator=(const App &other) = delete;
App &operator=(App &&other) = delete;
auto operator=(const App &other) -> App & = delete;
auto operator=(App &&other) -> App & = delete;
* Set the currently active window.
* FIXME: this is a nasty hack to get round the setup order for windows, graphics APIs and
* screen refreshes. Should be fixed with observer pattern.
inline void setWindow(display::Window *window) {
m_window = window;
* Perform main game loop functions.
* You should pass in argc and argv used to invoke main to this method. At the moment it does
* not use these, but in the future they will be used to provide game-agnostic options.
int run(int argc, const char **argv);
auto run(int argc, const char **argv) -> int;
* Register a new state with the application.
* States are intended to be a block of code which can be started, will execute a single frame
* of work, and can be invoked repeatedly. For example, a main menu, options menu,
* single-player game and multi-player game might be all be suitable to be states. When a state
* change is requested, the currently running state is stopped and garabage collected.
* This is similar to the concept of an 'activity' in Android.
template<typename T>
T *addState(const Identifer &name) {
auto addState(const Identifer &name) -> T * {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<AppState, T>::value, "States must be AppStates");
return m_states.put<T>(name, *this);
* Request the game changes states.
* This will be executed at the next opporunity (most likley next iteration of the game loop).
* Identifer should be an identifier used when calling addState, and the state should previouslly
* been registered using addState.
inline void change_state(const Identifer &name) {
m_expectedScene = name;
inline AppState &active_state() const {
* Return the currently active state (the state that is currently executing).
inline auto active_state() const -> AppState & {
* Get a pointer to a service.
* This is the primary way in which states can get access to resources they require.
* returns nullptr if the service does not exist, or cannot be provided.
template<typename T>
inline T *service() {
inline auto service() -> T * {
try {
return m_subsystems->template get<T>();
} catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
......@@ -132,11 +201,11 @@ namespace fggl {
inline modules::Services& services() {
inline auto services() -> modules::Services& {
return m_subsystems->services();
inline bool running() const {
inline auto running() const -> bool {
return m_running;
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <variant>
#include "fggl/assets/types.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/adapter.hpp"
#include "fggl/data/storage.hpp"
namespace fggl::assets {
......@@ -39,14 +40,15 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
struct ResourceRequest {
AssetGUID m_guid;
AssetType m_type;
AssetTypeID m_type;
class Loader {
constexpr const static modules::ModuleService service = modules::make_service("fggl::assets::Loader");
constexpr const static auto service = modules::make_service("fggl::assets::Loader");
explicit inline Loader(data::Storage *storage) : m_storage(storage) {}
explicit inline Loader(data::Storage *storage, CheckinAdapted *checkin) : m_storage(storage), m_checkin(checkin) {}
explicit Loader(Loader *parent, data::Storage *storage) : m_parent(parent), m_storage(storage) {};
......@@ -56,41 +58,100 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
Loader(Loader &&) = delete;
Loader &operator=(Loader &&) = delete;
inline void setFactory(AssetType type, Checkin fn, LoadType loading = LoadType::DIRECT) {
inline void setFactory(AssetTypeID type, Checkin fn, LoadType loading = LoadType::DIRECT) {
m_factories[type] = std::make_pair(fn, loading);
inline void unsetFactory(AssetType type) {
inline void unsetFactory(AssetTypeID type) {
inline void request(const AssetGUID &guid, const AssetType &type) {
inline void request(const AssetGUID &guid, const AssetTypeID &type) {
m_requests.push(ResourceRequest{guid, type});
void load(const AssetGUID &guid, const AssetType &type, void* userPtr = nullptr) {
auto path = m_storage->resolvePath(data::StorageType::Data, guid);
void loadChain(const AssetGUID &guid, const std::string& pack = "core") {
loadChain( assets::make_asset_id_rt(pack, guid) );
auto factoryItr = m_factories.find(type);
if ( factoryItr == m_factories.end() ) {
debug::error("attempted to load asset with unknown type: {}", type.get());
void loadChain(AssetID asset, void* userPtr = nullptr) {
if (!m_checkin->exists(asset)) {
debug::warning("attempted to chain load unknown assetID {}", asset);
std::queue<AssetID> loadOrder;
m_checkin->loadOrder(asset, loadOrder);
processChain(loadOrder, userPtr);
void processChain( std::queue<AssetID>& loadOrder, void* userPtr = nullptr ) {
if ( loadOrder.empty() ) {
debug::info("Starting chain load");
while( !loadOrder.empty() ) {
auto it = loadOrder.front();
debug::info(" CHAIN -> loading {}", it );
load( it, userPtr );
debug::info("Ended chain loader");
inline void load(const AssetGUID& guid, const AssetTypeID& type, void* userPtr = nullptr, const std::string& pack = "core" ) {
auto assetID = assets::make_asset_id_rt(pack, guid);
// try checkin load first, falling back if it fails
bool checkinLoad = load( assetID, userPtr );
if ( !checkinLoad ) {
debug::info("could not perform checkin load for {} - missing loaders?", guid);
auto path = m_storage->resolvePath(data::StorageType::Data, guid);
loadDirect(path, assetID, type, pack, userPtr);
bool loadDirect( const std::filesystem::path& path, AssetID asset, AssetTypeID assetType, const std::string& pack, void* userPtr = nullptr ){
// check if we know how to load this asset (using old loaders)
auto factoryItr = m_factories.find( assetType );
if ( factoryItr == m_factories.end() ) {
debug::error("attempted to load asset with unknown type: {}", assetType.get() );
return false;
// perform loading
LoaderContext ctx {
.pack = pack,
.packRoot = m_checkin->getPackPath(pack),
.assetPath = path
// perform loading
const auto& [callback, callbackType] = factoryItr->second;
switch (callbackType) {
case LoadType::DIRECT:
// TODO we load the data into main memory and give a pointer to it.
debug::log(debug::Level::error, "Tried to load direct asset - no one wrote that yet!");
case LoadType::STAGED:
// TODO we load the data into temp memory and give a pointer to it.
debug::log(debug::Level::error, "Tried to load staged asset - no one wrote that yet!");
case LoadType::PATH:
callback(this, guid, AssetData(&path), userPtr);
if ( callbackType == LoadType::PATH ) {
callback(this, asset, ctx, userPtr);
return true;
debug::log(debug::Level::error, "Tried to use old/unsupported loading method");
return false;
bool load(const AssetID &assetId, void* userPtr = nullptr) {
if ( !m_checkin->exists(assetId) ) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
debug::warning("asked to load unknown asset: {}", util::guid_to_string( util::GUID::make(assetId.get()) ) );
debug::warning("asked to load unknown asset: {}", assetId.get());
return false;
const auto& record = m_checkin->find( assetId );
return loadDirect( record.m_path, assetId, record.m_assetType, record.m_pack, userPtr );
void progress() {
......@@ -120,8 +181,9 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
Loader *m_parent = nullptr;
using Config = std::pair<Checkin, LoadType>;
data::Storage *m_storage;
CheckinAdapted *m_checkin;
std::queue<ResourceRequest> m_requests;
std::map<AssetType, Config> m_factories;
std::map<AssetTypeID, Config> m_factories;
} // namespace fggl::assets
......@@ -41,6 +41,24 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
struct AssetBoxT : public AssetBox {
T* asset = nullptr;
explicit inline AssetBoxT(T* aasset) : asset(aasset) {}
// no copy: we own our resource!
AssetBoxT(const AssetBoxT&) = delete;
AssetBoxT& operator=(const AssetBoxT&) = delete;
// move OK - we can steal the asset
AssetBoxT(AssetBoxT&& other) : asset(other.asset) {
other.asset = nullptr;
inline ~AssetBoxT() override {
if ( asset != nullptr ) {
delete asset;
asset = nullptr;
inline void release() override {
asset = nullptr;
......@@ -48,7 +66,7 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
class AssetManager {
constexpr const static modules::ModuleService service = modules::make_service("fggl::assets::Manager");
constexpr const static modules::ServiceName service = modules::make_service("fggl::assets::Manager");
AssetManager() = default;
virtual ~AssetManager() = default;
......@@ -60,7 +78,7 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
AssetManager &operator=(AssetManager &&) = delete;
template<typename T>
T* get(const AssetGUID &guid) const {
T* get(const AssetID &guid) const {
try {
const auto &assetRecord =;
std::shared_ptr<AssetBoxT<T>> casted = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AssetBoxT<T>>(assetRecord);
......@@ -74,29 +92,40 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
* Pass ownership of the asset to the asset system.
* Once this method is called, the asset system owns the asset, and will free
* it when it is no longer required. The asset system assumes it is fully aware
* of all usages of the assets it manages via its graph.
* @tparam T the asset type to be managed
* @param guid the asset name
* @param assetRef the asset itself
* @return the owned asset pointer
template<typename T>
T* set(const AssetGUID &guid, T* assetRef) {
auto ptr = std::make_shared<AssetBoxT<T>>();
ptr->asset = assetRef;
T* set(const AssetID &guid, T* assetRef) {
auto ptr = std::make_shared<AssetBoxT<T>>(assetRef);
m_registry[guid] = ptr;
return (*ptr).asset;
inline void require(const AssetGUID &guid) {
inline void require(const AssetID &/*guid*/) {
inline bool has(const AssetGUID &guid) {
inline bool has(const AssetID &guid) {
return m_registry.contains(guid);
inline void release(const AssetGUID &guid) {
inline void release(const AssetGUID &/*guid*/) {
inline std::vector<AssetGUID> known() {
std::vector<AssetGUID> assetList;
inline std::vector<AssetID> known() {
std::vector<AssetID> assetList;
for ( auto& itr : m_registry ) {
......@@ -104,7 +133,7 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
std::map<AssetGUID, std::shared_ptr<AssetBox>> m_registry;
std::map<AssetID, std::shared_ptr<AssetBox>> m_registry;
} // namespace fggl::assets
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
#include "fggl/modules/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/data/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/manager.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/loader.hpp"
......@@ -28,14 +31,15 @@ namespace fggl::assets {
struct AssetFolders {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::assets::Folders";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 2> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 2> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> depends = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 2> depends = {
static bool factory(modules::ModuleService name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
static bool factory(modules::ServiceName name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
} // namespace fggl::assets