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  • gamedev/fggl
  • onuralpsezer/fggl
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with 909 additions and 137 deletions
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 19/11/22.
#include <stack>
#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include "fggl/assets/packed/direct.hpp"
#include "fggl/data/storage.hpp"
#include "fggl/ds/graph.hpp"
namespace fggl::assets {
using ResourceType = util::OpaqueName<uint64_t, struct ResourceTypeStruct>;
constexpr ResourceType from_mime(const char* mime) {
return ResourceType::make( util::hash_fnv1a_64(mime) );
struct ResourceRecord {
std::filesystem::path m_path;
AssetID assetID;
ResourceType m_fileType;
AssetTypeID m_assetType;
std::string m_pack;
std::vector<AssetID> m_requires;
struct ManifestHeader {
uint64_t assetID;
uint64_t fileType;
uint64_t assetType;
uint64_t stringSize;
inline bool NEEDS_CHECKIN(const std::filesystem::path&, MemoryBlock) {
debug::error("attempted to load asset which does not have a valid checkin yet");
return false;
* Adapter for Raw Checkin.
* For debugging/development it's a pain to have to pack assets directly. Although its much slower, it can be useful
* to be able to load non-optimised formats at runtime. This adapter allows injecting these non-optimised formats
* into the production checkin system.
class CheckinAdapted {
constexpr const static auto service = modules::make_service("fggl::assets::checkin::debug");
using FilePredicate = std::function<AssetTypeID(const std::filesystem::path&)>;
using FileLoader = std::function<bool(const std::filesystem::path&, MemoryBlock& block)>;
using AssetMetadata = std::function<bool(const std::string& pack, const std::filesystem::path& packRoot, ResourceRecord&)>;
CheckinAdapted(data::Storage* storage, RawCheckin* checkSvc) : m_storage(storage), m_checkin(checkSvc) {};
// asset loading
void load(AssetID asset) {
auto& assetRef =;
auto& loader =;
MemoryBlock block;
auto result = loader(assetRef.m_path, block);
if ( !result ) {
m_checkin->check(assetRef.assetID, assetRef.m_assetType, block);
inline bool exists(AssetID asset) const {
return m_files.find(asset) != m_files.end();
inline std::filesystem::path getPath(AssetID asset) const {
const auto& file =;
return file.m_path;
void loadOrder( AssetID id, std::queue<AssetID>& order) {
m_requires.getOrderPartialRev(id, order);
void discover( const char* packName, bool useCache = false, bool updateCache = true) {
if ( m_packs.contains(packName) ) {
std::string packRoot = "packs/";
auto packDir = m_storage->resolvePath( data::StorageType::Data, packRoot + packName );
discover(packDir, useCache, updateCache);
// asset discovery
void discover( std::filesystem::path& packDir, bool useCache=true, bool updateCache=false ) {
// note we're loading this pack
auto packName = packDir.filename();
m_packs[packName].rootDir = packDir;
if ( useCache && has_manifest(packDir)) {
// check if we've cached the search
load_manifest(packName, packDir);
std::vector<AssetID> packFiles;
std::stack< std::filesystem::path > paths;
while ( !paths.empty() ) {
auto path =;
if ( std::filesystem::is_directory(path) ) {
std::ranges::for_each( std::filesystem::directory_iterator{path}, [&paths](auto& path) {
} else if ( std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) ) {
process_file( path, packDir, packFiles );
// update the cache and remember what pack maps to what asset
if ( updateCache ) {
save_manifest(packDir.filename(), packDir, packFiles);
m_packs[ packDir.filename() ].assets = packFiles;
inline void setLoader(ResourceType type, const CheckinAdapted::FileLoader& loader, CheckinAdapted::FilePredicate predicate = nullptr) {
assert( loader != nullptr );
m_loaders[type] = loader;
if ( predicate != nullptr ) {
m_predicates[type] = predicate;
inline void setProcessor(ResourceType type, AssetMetadata metaFunc) {
m_metadata[type] = metaFunc;
inline const ResourceRecord& find(AssetID asset) const {
inline std::filesystem::path getPackPath(const std::string& name) const {
auto& info =;
return info.rootDir;
data::Storage* m_storage;
RawCheckin* m_checkin;
std::map<AssetID, ResourceRecord> m_files;
ds::DirectedGraph<AssetID> m_requires;
struct PackInfo {
std::filesystem::path rootDir;
std::vector<AssetID> assets;
std::map<ResourceType, FilePredicate> m_predicates;
std::map<ResourceType, FileLoader> m_loaders;
std::map<ResourceType, AssetMetadata> m_metadata;
std::map<std::string, PackInfo> m_packs;
void process_file(std::filesystem::path path, std::filesystem::path packDir, std::vector<AssetID> packFiles) {
for( auto& [rType, pred] : m_predicates ) {
// check the predicate, is this valid?
auto aType = pred(path);
if ( aType != INVALID_ASSET_TYPE ) {
// it was, so we can finish processing
auto packName = packDir.filename();
auto relPath = std::filesystem::relative(path, packDir);
ResourceRecord rr{
.m_path = path,
.assetID = make_asset_id_rt(packName, relPath.generic_string()),
.m_fileType = rType,
.m_assetType = aType,
.m_pack = packName,
.m_requires = {}
// processors (for stuff like dependencies)
auto metaProc = m_metadata.find(rType);
if ( metaProc != m_metadata.end() ) {
metaProc->second( packName, packDir, rr );
// store the resulting data
m_files[rr.assetID] = rr;
packFiles.push_back( rr.assetID );
m_requires.addEdges( rr.assetID, rr.m_requires );
debug::trace("discovered {} ({}) from pack '{}'", rr.assetID, relPath.c_str(), packName.c_str() );
inline bool has_manifest(const std::string& packName) {
auto packManifest = m_storage->resolvePath( data::StorageType::Cache, packName + "_manifest.bin" );
return std::filesystem::exists(packManifest);
void load_manifest_entry(FILE* file, const std::string& packName, const std::filesystem::path& packRoot) {
// read our entry ( id, ftype, atype, pathLen )
ManifestHeader header{};
std::fread(&header, sizeof(ManifestHeader), 1, file);
// read the relative asset path
char* relPath = new char[header.stringSize + 1];
std::fread( relPath, sizeof(char), header.stringSize, file );
relPath[ header.stringSize + 1 ] = '\0';
// read the dependency list
uint64_t nDeps = 0;
std::fread( &nDeps, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, file);
uint64_t *deps = new uint64_t[nDeps];
std::fread( deps, sizeof(uint64_t), nDeps, file );
std::vector<AssetID> depList;
for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < nDeps; ++i ) {
depList.push_back( AssetID::make(deps[i]) );
// calculate and verify path
std::filesystem::path fullPath = packRoot / relPath;
delete[] relPath;
if ( !std::filesystem::exists(fullPath) ) {
debug::warning("pack manifest for {} contained invalid path {}", packName, fullPath.c_str());
// entry seems valid, load it
ResourceRecord rr {
.m_path = fullPath,
.assetID = AssetID::make(header.assetID),
.m_fileType = ResourceType::make(header.fileType),
.m_assetType = AssetTypeID::make(header.assetType),
.m_pack = packName,
.m_requires = depList
m_files[ rr.assetID ] = rr;
m_packs[ packRoot.filename() ].assets.push_back( rr.assetID );
m_requires.addEdges( rr.assetID, depList );
debug::trace("discovered {} ({}) from pack {}", rr.assetID.get(), fullPath.c_str(), packRoot.filename().c_str() );
void load_manifest(const std::string& packName, const std::filesystem::path& packRoot) {
auto packManifest = m_storage->resolvePath( data::StorageType::Cache, packName + "_manifest.bin" );
if ( !std::filesystem::exists(packManifest) ) {
// open the manifest file and start extracting entries
FILE* file = std::fopen(packManifest.c_str(), "r");
if ( file == nullptr ) {
debug::warning("error opening manifest: {}", packManifest.c_str());
// read the number of entries
uint64_t entries{0};
std::fread(&entries, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, file);
for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
load_manifest_entry(file, packName, packRoot);
std::fclose( file );
void save_manifest(const std::string& packName, const std::filesystem::path& packRoot, const std::vector<AssetID>& assets) {
auto packManifest = m_storage->resolvePath( data::StorageType::Cache, packName + "_manifest.bin", true);
FILE* file = std::fopen(packManifest.c_str(), "w");
if ( file == nullptr) {
debug::warning("error saving manifest {}, missing dir?", packManifest.c_str());
const uint64_t entries{ assets.size() };
std::fwrite( &entries, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, file);
// write the entries
for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < entries; ++i ) {
auto& assetID = assets[i];
auto& assetRecord =;
auto relPath = std::filesystem::relative(assetRecord.m_path, packRoot);
auto relPathStr = relPath.generic_string();
ManifestHeader mh {
.assetID = assetRecord.assetID.get(),
.fileType = assetRecord.m_fileType.get(),
.assetType = assetRecord.m_assetType.get(),
.stringSize = relPathStr.size()
std::fwrite( &mh, sizeof(ManifestHeader), 1, file );
std::fwrite( relPathStr.c_str(), sizeof(char), relPathStr.size(), file );
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 19/11/22.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include "fggl/assets/types.hpp"
#include "fggl/util/safety.hpp"
#include "fggl/util/guid.hpp"
#include "fggl/modules/module.hpp"
* Raw Checkin.
* This is a version of the checkin system where the check-in functions are shown a raw block of memory and its their
* job to parse and load something meaningful from that.
namespace fggl::assets {
class RawCheckin {
constexpr const static auto service = modules::make_service("fggl::assets::checkin");
using DecodeAndCheckFunc = std::function<void(AssetGUID, MemoryBlock& block)>;
void check(AssetID, AssetTypeID, MemoryBlock& block) const;
inline void check(int64_t id, uint64_t type, MemoryBlock& block ) const {
check( AssetID::make(id), AssetTypeID::make(type), block );
inline void setCheckin(AssetTypeID type, DecodeAndCheckFunc func) {
m_check[type] = func;
std::map<AssetTypeID, DecodeAndCheckFunc> m_check;
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 27/06/22.
#include "fggl/modules/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/data/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/loader.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/adapter.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/direct.hpp"
namespace fggl::assets {
struct PackedAssets {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::assets::packed";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 2> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 1> depends = {
static bool factory(modules::ServiceName name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
} // namespace fggl::assets
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 19/11/22.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include "fggl/assets/types.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/direct.hpp"
* Packed file reader.
* Read assets stored as sequential [header,data] blocks. This reader does not care about dependencies, it assumes this
* was handled before storage (ie, asset dependencies are assumed to be stored before the asset that relies on them).
* The caller is also responsible for ensuring that assets in other archives are already loaded by the time the system
* assembles the composite assets into something usable.
* If either of these constraints are violated, the results are undefined.
namespace fggl::assets {
struct Header {
uint64_t name;
uint64_t type;
std::size_t size;
bool read_header(std::FILE* stream, Header* header) {
constexpr auto headerSize = sizeof(Header);
auto readBytes = std::fread(header, headerSize, 1, stream);
return readBytes == headerSize;
bool read_data(std::FILE* stream, void* block, std::size_t size) {
auto readBytes = std::fread(block, size, 1, stream);
return readBytes == size;
void read_archive(RawCheckin* checkin, std::FILE* stream) {
while ( !std::feof(stream) ) {
Header header;
bool headRead = read_header(stream, &header);
if ( headRead && header.size != 0 ) {
// header has data
void* memBlock = std::malloc( header.size );
bool valid = read_data( stream, memBlock, header.size );
// read the data, check it in
if (valid) {
MemoryBlock block{
.data = (std::byte*)memBlock,
.size = header.size
checkin->check(, header.type, block);
......@@ -24,31 +24,83 @@
#include <functional>
#include "fggl/util/safety.hpp"
#include "fggl/util/guid.hpp"
namespace fggl::assets {
using AssetType = util::OpaqueName<std::string_view, struct AssetTag>;
using AssetGUID = std::string;
using AssetPath = std::filesystem::path;
struct Asset {
AssetType m_type;
virtual void release() = 0;
virtual bool active() = 0;
using AssetID = util::OpaqueName<uint64_t, struct AssetIDTag>;
template<unsigned L1, unsigned L2>
constexpr AssetID make_asset_id(const char (&pack)[L1], const char (&path)[L2]) {
auto hash = util::hash_fnv1a_64( util::cat( pack, ":", path ).c );
return AssetID::make( hash );
template<unsigned L1, unsigned L2, unsigned L3>
constexpr AssetID make_asset_id(const char (&pack)[L1], const char (&path)[L2], const char (&view)[L3]) {
auto hash = util::hash_fnv1a_64( util::cat( pack, ":", path, "[", view, "]").c );
return AssetID::make( hash );
AssetID make_asset_id_rt(const std::string &pack, const std::string &path, const std::string &view = "");
AssetID asset_from_user(const std::string &input, const std::string &pack = "core");
using AssetTypeID = util::OpaqueName<uint64_t, struct AssetTypeTag>;
constexpr auto INVALID_ASSET_TYPE = AssetTypeID::make(0);
constexpr AssetTypeID make_asset_type(const char* type) {
return AssetTypeID::make( util::hash_fnv1a_64(type) );
struct MemoryBlock {
void *data;
std::byte *data;
std::size_t size;
template<typename T>
T* viewAs(std::size_t offset = 0) {
static_assert( std::is_standard_layout<T>::value );
return (T*)( data[offset] );
using AssetRefRaw = std::shared_ptr<void>;
template<typename T>
using AssetRef = std::shared_ptr<T>;
struct LoaderContext {
std::string pack;
std::filesystem::path packRoot;
std::filesystem::path assetPath;
inline std::filesystem::path relParent() const {
return std::filesystem::relative( assetPath, packRoot ).parent_path();
inline assets::AssetID makeRef(const char* name) const {
return assets::make_asset_id_rt(pack, relParent() / name );
class Loader;
using AssetData = std::variant<MemoryBlock, AssetPath *, FILE *>;
using Checkin = std::function<AssetRefRaw(Loader* loader, const AssetGUID &, const AssetData &, void* userPtr)>;
using Checkin = std::function<AssetRefRaw(Loader* loader, const AssetID &, const LoaderContext &, void* userPtr)>;
// formatter
template<> struct fmt::formatter<fggl::assets::AssetID> {
constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) {
return ctx.begin();
template <typename FormatContext>
auto format(const fggl::assets::AssetID & guid, FormatContext& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "ASSET[{}]", guid_to_string( fggl::util::GUID::make( guid.get() ) ));
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "ASSET[{}]", guid.get());
......@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
#include <string>
#include "fggl/data/storage.hpp"
#include "fggl/modules/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/module.hpp"
//! backend independent audio interface
namespace fggl::audio {
......@@ -27,14 +30,34 @@ namespace fggl::audio {
* If the sampleCount is -1, the clip is invalid.
struct AudioClip {
template<typename T>
struct AudioClip {
int channels = 0;
int sampleRate = 0;
int sampleCount = -1;
short *data = nullptr;
T *data = nullptr;
AudioClip() = default;
AudioClip(const AudioClip&) = delete;
inline ~AudioClip() {
data = nullptr;
constexpr modules::ModuleService SERVICE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK = modules::make_service("fggl::audio::AudioService");
inline int size() const {
return sampleCount * sizeof(T);
using AudioClipShort = AudioClip<short>;
using AudioClipByte = AudioClip<char>;
constexpr auto ASSET_CLIP_SHORT = assets::make_asset_type("Audio:Clip:Short");
constexpr auto ASSET_CLIP_BYTE = assets::make_asset_type("Audio:Clip:Byte");
constexpr auto SERVICE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK = modules::make_service("fggl::audio::AudioService");
......@@ -42,9 +65,10 @@ namespace fggl::audio {
class AudioService {
constexpr static const modules::ModuleService service = SERVICE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK;
virtual void play(const std::string &filename, bool looping = false) = 0;
virtual void play(AudioClip &clip, bool looping = false) = 0;
constexpr static const modules::ServiceName service = SERVICE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK;
virtual void play(const assets::AssetGUID &asset, bool looping = false) = 0;
virtual void play(const AudioClipShort &clip, bool looping = false) = 0;
virtual ~AudioService() = default;
......@@ -26,31 +26,27 @@ namespace fggl::audio {
class NullAudioService : public AudioService {
NullAudioService() = default;
virtual ~NullAudioService() = default;
~NullAudioService() override = default;
void play(const std::string & /*filename*/, bool /*looping = false*/) override {}
NullAudioService(NullAudioService&) = delete;
NullAudioService(NullAudioService&&) = delete;
NullAudioService& operator=(const NullAudioService&) = delete;
NullAudioService& operator=(NullAudioService&&) = delete;
void play(AudioClip & /*clip*/, bool /*looping = false*/) override {}
void play(const std::string & /*filename*/, bool /*looping = false*/) override;
void play(const AudioClipShort & /*clip*/, bool /*looping = false*/) override;
//! A dummy audio module that does nothing
struct NullAudio {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::audio::NULL";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 0> depends = {};
static const modules::ServiceFactory factory;
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 0> depends = {};
bool factory(modules::ServiceName, modules::Services&);
bool null_factory(modules::ModuleService service, modules::Services &services) {
if (service == SERVICE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK) {
services.bind<audio::AudioService, audio::NullAudioService>();
return true;
return false;
const modules::ServiceFactory NullAudio::factory = null_factory;
} // namespace fggl::audio
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include "fggl/audio/audio.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/manager.hpp"
#include "fggl/data/storage.hpp"
#include "fggl/math/types.hpp"
......@@ -30,8 +32,16 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
//! Audio backed by openal-soft
namespace fggl::audio::openal {
constexpr uint32_t NULL_BUFFER_ID = 0;
assets::AssetRefRaw load_vorbis(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetID &, const assets::LoaderContext &, void* userPtr);
bool load_vorbis_short(std::filesystem::path path, assets::MemoryBlock& block);
assets::AssetTypeID check_vorbis( const std::filesystem::path& path );
enum class AudioType {
......@@ -39,7 +49,7 @@ namespace fggl::audio::openal {
static void checkError(std::string context) {
static void check_error(const std::string& context) {
auto code = alGetError();
if (code == AL_NO_ERROR) {
......@@ -48,25 +58,25 @@ namespace fggl::audio::openal {
// now we check the error message
std::string error = "unknown";
switch (code) {
case ALC_INVALID_DEVICE: error = "Invalid Device";
case ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT: error = "Invalid Context";
case ALC_INVALID_ENUM: error = "Invalid enum";
case ALC_INVALID_VALUE: error = "Invalid value";
case ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY: error = "Out of memory";
default: error = "unknown error";
case ALC_INVALID_DEVICE: error = "Invalid Device";
case ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT: error = "Invalid Context";
case ALC_INVALID_ENUM: error = "Invalid enum";
case ALC_INVALID_VALUE: error = "Invalid value";
case ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY: error = "Out of memory";
default: error = "unknown error";
std::cerr << "OpenAL error: " << context << ": " << error << std::endl;
debug::error("OpenAL error: context={}, error={}", context, error);
class AudioBuffer {
AudioBuffer() : m_buffer(0) {
AudioBuffer() : m_buffer(NULL_BUFFER_ID) {
alGenBuffers(1, &m_buffer);
......@@ -74,16 +84,24 @@ namespace fggl::audio::openal {
alDeleteBuffers(1, &m_buffer);
AudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer&) = delete;
AudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer&&) = delete;
AudioBuffer& operator=(const AudioBuffer&) = delete;
AudioBuffer& operator=(const AudioBuffer&&) = delete;
inline void setData(AudioType type, void *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei frequency) {
assert( m_buffer != 0 );
assert( data != nullptr );
alBufferData(m_buffer, (ALenum) type, data, size, frequency);
inline ALuint value() {
inline ALuint value() const {
return m_buffer;
ALuint m_buffer;
ALuint m_buffer = 0;
class AudioSource {
......@@ -96,6 +114,11 @@ namespace fggl::audio::openal {
alDeleteSources(1, &m_source);
AudioSource(const AudioSource& source) = delete;
AudioSource(const AudioSource&& source) = delete;
AudioSource& operator=(const AudioSource&) = delete;
AudioSource& operator=(AudioSource&&) = delete;
inline void play() {
......@@ -115,21 +138,10 @@ namespace fggl::audio::openal {
inline void play(AudioBuffer &buffer, bool looping) {
alSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFER, buffer.value());
alSourcei(m_source, AL_LOOPING, looping ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE);
inline void play(AudioClip &clip, bool looping) {
checkError("pre play");
AudioType format = clip.channels == 1 ? AudioType::MONO_8 : AudioType::STEREO_8;
m_splat.setData(format,, clip.sampleCount, clip.sampleRate);
checkError("saving to buffer");
alSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFER, m_splat.value());
alSourcei(m_source, AL_LOOPING, looping ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE);
checkError("setting parameters");
inline void play(const AudioClipShort &clip, bool looping = false);
inline void velocity(math::vec3 &value) {
alSource3f(m_source, AL_VELOCITY, value.x, value.y, value.z);
......@@ -150,32 +162,33 @@ namespace fggl::audio::openal {
class AudioServiceOAL : public AudioService {
explicit AudioServiceOAL(data::Storage *storage) : m_device(alcOpenDevice(nullptr)), m_storage(storage) {
explicit AudioServiceOAL(assets::AssetManager *assets) : m_device(alcOpenDevice(nullptr)), m_assets(assets) {
if (m_device != nullptr) {
m_context = alcCreateContext(m_device, nullptr);
checkError("context setup");
check_error("context setup");
m_defaultSource = std::make_unique<AudioSource>();
checkError("default source setup");
check_error("default source setup");
~AudioServiceOAL() override {
if (m_device != nullptr) {
void play(const std::string &filename, bool looping = false) override;
void play(AudioClip &clip, bool looping = false) override;
void play(const assets::AssetGUID &filename, bool looping = false) override;
void play(const AudioClipShort &clip, bool looping = false) override;
ALCdevice *m_device;
ALCcontext *m_context{nullptr};
std::unique_ptr<AudioSource> m_defaultSource{nullptr};
data::Storage *m_storage = nullptr;
assets::AssetManager* m_assets;
void release();
} // namespace fggl::audio::openal
......@@ -21,30 +21,31 @@
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include "fggl/assets/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/audio/audio.hpp"
#include "fggl/audio/openal/audio.hpp"
namespace fggl::audio {
constexpr auto OGG_VORBIS = assets::AssetType::make("audio/vorbis");
constexpr auto RES_OGG_VORBIS = assets::from_mime("audio/vorbis");
//! an audio module which uses openal(-soft) as a backend.
struct OpenAL {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::audio::OpenAL";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> depends = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 2> depends = {
static bool factory(modules::ModuleService name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
static bool factory(modules::ServiceName name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
bool OpenAL::factory(modules::ModuleService service, modules::Services &services) {
if (service == SERVICE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK) {
auto storage = services.get<data::Storage>();
services.bind<audio::AudioService, openal::AudioServiceOAL>(storage);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace fggl::audio
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "fggl/modules/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/loader.hpp"
#include "fggl/assets/packed/module.hpp"
#include "fggl/data/texture.hpp"
namespace fggl::data::models {
......@@ -28,15 +29,36 @@ namespace fggl::data::models {
constexpr auto MODEL_PROVIDER = modules::make_service("fggl::data::Model");
constexpr auto ASSIMP_MODEL = assets::AssetType::make("model::assimp");
constexpr auto MIME_JPG = assets::from_mime("image/jpeg");
constexpr auto MIME_PNG = assets::from_mime("image/png");
constexpr auto MIME_OBJ = assets::from_mime("model/obj");
constexpr auto MIME_FBX = assets::from_mime("model/fbx");
constexpr auto MODEL_MULTI3D = assets::make_asset_type("model/multi3D");
constexpr auto TEXTURE_RGBA = assets::make_asset_type("texture/rgba");
// old-style loaders
assets::AssetRefRaw load_assimp_model(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetID& guid, const assets::LoaderContext& data, void* userPtr);
assets::AssetRefRaw load_assimp_texture(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetID& guid, const assets::LoaderContext& data, void* userPtr);
// new style loaders (textures)
bool load_tex_stb(const std::filesystem::path& filePath, assets::MemoryBlock& block);
assets::AssetTypeID is_tex_stb(const std::filesystem::path& filePath);
// new style loaders (models)
assets::AssetTypeID is_model_assimp(const std::filesystem::path& filePath);
bool extract_requirements(const std::string& packName, const std::filesystem::path& packRoot, assets::ResourceRecord& rr);
struct AssimpModule {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::data::Assimp";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> depends = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 2> depends = {
static bool factory(modules::ModuleService service, modules::Services &serviceManager);
static bool factory(modules::ServiceName service, modules::Services &serviceManager);
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ namespace fggl::data {
constexpr math::vec3 ILLEGAL_NORMAL{0.0F, 0.0F, 0.F};
constexpr math::vec3 DEFAULT_COLOUR{1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F};
struct Vertex {
math::vec3 posititon;
math::vec3 normal = ILLEGAL_NORMAL;
......@@ -43,6 +44,22 @@ namespace fggl::data {
// comparison operators
inline bool operator<(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.posititon, lhs.normal, lhs.colour)
< std::tie(rhs.posititon, rhs.normal, rhs.colour);
inline bool operator==(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) {
return lhs.posititon == rhs.posititon
&& lhs.colour == rhs.colour
&& lhs.normal == rhs.normal;
inline bool operator!=(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
struct Vertex2D {
fggl::math::vec2 position;
fggl::math::vec3 colour;
......@@ -64,23 +81,6 @@ namespace fggl::data {
// comparison operators
inline bool operator<(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.posititon, lhs.normal, lhs.colour)
< std::tie(rhs.posititon, rhs.normal, rhs.colour);
inline bool operator==(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) {
return lhs.posititon == rhs.posititon
&& lhs.colour == rhs.colour
&& lhs.normal == rhs.normal;
inline bool operator!=(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
class Mesh {
using IndexType = unsigned int;
......@@ -172,19 +172,6 @@ namespace fggl::data {
mesh(aMesh), pipeline(std::move(aPipeline)) {}
class Model {
Model() = default;
~Model() = default;
inline void append(const Mesh &mesh) {
std::vector<Mesh> m_meshes;
......@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ namespace fggl::data {
struct LocalStorage {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::data::Storage";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 0> depends = {};
static bool factory(modules::ModuleService service, modules::Services &serviceManager);
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 0> depends = {};
static bool factory(modules::ServiceName service, modules::Services &serviceManager);
} // namespace fggl::data
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "model.hpp"
#include "fggl/mesh/mesh.hpp"
namespace fggl::data {
......@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ namespace fggl::data {
// platonic solids
void make_tetrahedron(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
Mesh make_cube(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
mesh::Mesh3D make_cube(mesh::Mesh3D &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
void make_octahedron(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
void make_icosahedron(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
void make_dodecahedron(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
......@@ -38,13 +39,13 @@ namespace fggl::data {
void make_sphere_iso(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
// level block-out shapes
Mesh make_slope(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
Mesh make_ditch(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
Mesh make_point(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
mesh::Mesh3D make_slope(mesh::Mesh3D &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
mesh::Mesh3D make_ditch(mesh::Mesh3D &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
mesh::Mesh3D make_point(mesh::Mesh3D &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE);
// other useful types people expect
void make_capsule(Mesh &mesh);
void make_sphere(Mesh &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE, uint32_t stacks = 16U, uint32_t slices = 16U);
void make_sphere(mesh::Mesh3D &mesh, const math::mat4 &offset = OFFSET_NONE, uint32_t stacks = 16U, uint32_t slices = 16U);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ namespace fggl::data {
enum StorageType { Data, Config, Cache };
constexpr const modules::ModuleService SERVICE_STORAGE = modules::make_service("fggl::data::Storage");
constexpr const auto SERVICE_STORAGE = modules::make_service("fggl::data::Storage");
class Storage {
constexpr static modules::ModuleService service = SERVICE_STORAGE;
constexpr static auto service = SERVICE_STORAGE;
Storage(fggl::platform::EnginePaths paths) : m_paths(std::move(paths)) {}
......@@ -28,7 +28,14 @@ namespace fggl::data {
struct Texture2D {
math::vec2i size;
int channels;
void* data;
unsigned char* data;
Texture2D() = default;
Texture2D(const Texture2D& other) = delete;
inline ~Texture2D() {
delete data;
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace fggl::debug {
template<typename S, typename... Args>
void logf(const char *file, int line, const S &format, Args &&... args) {
vlog(file, line, format, fmt::make_args_checked<Args...>(format, args...));
vlog(file, line, format, fmt::make_format_args(format, args...));
#define info_va(format, ...) \
......@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ namespace fggl::display {
struct GLFW {
constexpr static const char *name = "fggl::display::glfw";
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 1> provides = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ModuleService, 2> depends = {
constexpr static const std::array<modules::ServiceName, 2> depends = {
static bool factory(modules::ModuleService name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
static bool factory(modules::ServiceName name, modules::Services &serviceManager);
bool GLFW::factory(modules::ModuleService service, modules::Services &services) {
bool GLFW::factory(modules::ServiceName service, modules::Services &services) {
if (service == WindowService::service) {
auto input = services.get<input::Input>();
auto graphics = services.get<gfx::WindowGraphics>();
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "fggl/gfx/interfaces.hpp"
//! Classes responsible for interacting with display managers
namespace fggl::display {
class Window {
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ namespace fggl::display {
class WindowService {
constexpr static const modules::ModuleService
constexpr static const auto
service = modules::make_service("fggl::display::WindowService");
virtual Window *create() = 0;
* This file is part of FGGL.
* FGGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* FGGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with FGGL.
* If not, see <>.
// Created by webpigeon on 25/03/23.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <set>
namespace fggl::ds {
template<typename T>
class DirectedGraph {
* Add a single edge to the graph.
* If the entry does not already exist, this will create the entry before adding the dependencies to it.
* If the entry already exists, this will append the provided dependencies to its existing list.
* @param start the entry which depends something else
* @param end the thing it depends on
inline void addEdge(const T start, const T end) {
* Add a single vertex to the graph.
inline void addVertex(const T vertex) {
* Add a series of dependencies for an entry.
* If the entry does not already exist, this will create the entry before adding the dependencies to it.
* If the entry already exists, this will append the provided dependencies to its existing list.
* @param name the entry having dependencies added
* @param dependencies the things it depends on
void addEdges(const T name, const std::vector<T> &dependencies) {
auto existing = m_edges.find(name);
if (existing == m_edges.end()) {
m_edges[name] = dependencies;
} else {
existing->second.insert(existing->second.end(), dependencies.begin(), dependencies.end());
* Clear all currently stored dependencies.
* This method will result in the dependency graph being empty, with no known modules.
inline void clear() {
inline auto begin() const {
return m_edges.begin();
inline auto end() const {
return m_edges.end();
bool getOrder(std::stack<T> &stack) {
std::set<T> visited{};
for (const auto &module : m_edges) {
if (!visited.contains(module.first)) {
sortUtil(module.first, visited, stack);
return true;
bool getOrderPartial(T first, std::stack<T> &stack) {
std::set<T> visited{};
sortUtil(first, visited, stack);
return true;
bool getOrderRev(std::queue<T> &stack) {
std::set<T> visited{};
for (const auto &module : m_edges) {
if (!visited.contains(module.first)) {
sortUtilRev(module.first, visited, stack);
return true;
bool getOrderPartialRev(T first, std::queue<T>& queue) {
std::set<T> visited{};
sortUtilRev(first, visited, queue);
return true;
std::map<T, std::vector<T>> m_edges;
void sortUtil(T idx, std::set<T> &visited, std::stack<T> &stack) {
for (auto dep : {
if (!visited.contains(dep))
sortUtil(dep, visited, stack);
void sortUtilRev(T idx, std::set<T> &visited, std::queue<T> &stack) {
for (auto dep : {
if (!visited.contains(dep))
sortUtilRev(dep, visited, stack);
} // namespace fggl::ds
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
namespace fggl::entity {
constexpr auto PROTOTYPE_ASSET = assets::AssetType::make("entity_prototype");
constexpr auto SCENE = assets::AssetType::make("entity_scene");
constexpr auto ENTITY_PROTOTYPE = assets::make_asset_type("entity/prototype");
constexpr auto ENTITY_SCENE = assets::make_asset_type("entity/scene");
using FactoryFunc = std::function<void(const ComponentSpec &config, EntityManager &, const EntityID &, modules::Services &svc)>;
using CustomiseFunc = std::function<void(EntityManager &, const EntityID &)>;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace fggl::entity {
class EntityFactory {
constexpr static const modules::ModuleService service = modules::make_service("fggl::entity:Factory");
constexpr static const modules::ServiceName service = modules::make_service("fggl::entity:Factory");
inline EntityFactory(modules::Services &services) : m_services(services) {}
......@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ namespace fggl::entity {
assets::AssetRefRaw load_prototype(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetGUID &guid, assets::AssetData data, EntityFactory* factory);
assets::AssetRefRaw load_scene(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetGUID& asset, assets::AssetData data, void* ptr);
assets::AssetRefRaw load_prototype(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetID &guid, const assets::LoaderContext& data, EntityFactory* factory);
assets::AssetRefRaw load_scene(assets::Loader* loader, const assets::AssetID& asset, const assets::LoaderContext& data, void* ptr);
} // namespace fggl::entity