Prioritized labels 0
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Other labels 16
hexboard-games / Module Materials
Simple tasks that are good for people wanting to get started on stuff
hexboard-games / Module Materials
Anything that involves API changes, should generally only be for PRs or bug reports on in-progress features.
Needs Bug Verification
hexboard-games / Module Materials
A bug report, needs verification that it's actually a bug.
Needs Code Review
hexboard-games / Module Materials
A PR that needs the code to be verified by someone.
Needs Reproduction
hexboard-games / Module Materials
Needs a test case or other reproduction of the issue.
Needs Submitter Response
hexboard-games / Module Materials
Anything that is blocking on the submitter.
Needs Team Discussion
hexboard-games / Module Materials
Cannot progress until the core team has discussed further.
hexboard-games / Module Materials
A performance related issue. We could track this as a bug, but usually these would have slightly lower priority than standard bugs.
hexboard-games / Module Materials
A bug that did not exist in previous versions and isn't a new feature (applied in tandem with Bug)