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title: Module Planning
## Module Planning Tool (MPyT)
This is the documentation website for the Module Planning Tool developed by [Falmouth]('s Computing/Games Teams.
### What does it do?
The tool is designed to help course teams ease the module planning process and timetable submission for their departments. It:
* Provides a week-by-week overview of a module's [activities](modules/activities) as well as the staff and rooms attached
* Provides an easy-to-summarise backend to allow the generation of reports to aid in modelling
* Provide an export of course requirements, to aid the timetabling process
* Provide [reports](/reports/) to aid in checking staff workload at the point of planning
### What does it **not** do?
* It does not actually timetable -- just handles requirements
* There are limitations for the reporting, namely
* Model assessment workload (yet!)
## The name
The name is a pun on the original (spreadsheet-based) planning tool, MPT, which has been rewritten in a programming language called Python, therefore, MPyT.
title: Modules
Modules are how activities are grouped in MPyT. A module can have one or more cohorts attached to it. Please note the 'live' mapping for timetabling purposes does not come from our system, but SITS directly, as a result, it is important to ensure the cohorts match what will be scheduled to ensure suitable planning capacities.
## Selecting a Module
You can select a module from the list of modules shown on the left hand side of the main interface. You can filter this list using the search box (shown above the module list) - you can use either the module name or its code for this purpose. Selecting a module is as simple as clicking on its name.
[!Main interface](images/interface.png)
title: Activities
Activites are the things students are expected to _attend_ for a module. These are from the student's perspective. The _module_ window shows the currently planned activities as well as the expected hours based on the _structured learning activities (SLA)_ planned for this module.
## Activities
| Name | Description | Example |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- |
| Label | The name of the activity (student facing) | Computing Concepts |
| Type | The type of activity (lecture, online workshop, etc...) | Lecture |
| ? | |
title: Managing Iterations
Sometimes, an activity must be run in multiple _iterations_ with a small number of students in each group. MPyT deals with this by treating all activities as consisting of iterations. For large activities like lectures, we create a _single_ iteration of the activity.
## Creating a new iteration
To create a new iteration, select an _activity_ in the interface. The activity will be highlighted in a different colour. Once the activity is selected click on the 'edit' button to show the iteration planner.
## Designing the iterations
For a large activity, like a lecture, you can ignore most of the first page and leave them as the defaults.
For activites which must be split into smaller groups, the group sizes and number of staff required can be set on this page.
## Creating the iterations
The second tab lets you create iterations for your activity. Select the _add_ bottom right of the iterface to create a new iteration. You can then edit the table to update this iterations details (such as providing a name and remarks for planning).
### Assigning Staff
Staff can be attached to an iteration by clicking on the _staff_ cell for that iteration. A window showing the available staff should pop up. If a staff member has multiple contracts, all the contracts available for scheduling will be listed seperately. Click on the tick box next to a staff member's name to assign them to this iteration. You can assign as many staff as required for a session as needed for this session.
You can check staff workloads using the [Reports]() feature.
### Assigning Rooms
Room allocation works the same way as allocating staff. Click on the room cell for the iteration you wish to plan for and select the room pools you wish to allocate. If multiple room pools are selected, the system will try to allocate both.
You can check room allocations using the [Reports]() feature.
### Remarks
Remarks can be used to communicate anything extra to the timetabling team. We use this for communicating things which the system cannot automatically process (for example, specialist requirements or courses when allocating iterations via course).
## Duplicating Iterations
Sometimes, it is neccerary mass-create duplicate iterations (for example, for assessments). You can *right click* on a row to duplicate entries, the system will prompt you for a number of duplications to create.
## Copying and Pasting iterations
Its sometimes necceary to duplicate iterations across activities (for example, group work that spans multiple modules). You can select iterations then right click to copy them to another activity. Open the iteration planner for that activity and paste them to duplicate the rooms, staff and iteration details to a target activity.
title: Weekly View
It's useful to see how this module will look when planned out on a week-by-week basis. The tool features a weekly planning report to show this.
## Weekly Breakdown
This view shows the activity label on the left hand side, each column represents a week in the study block where this module is running. The hourage shows the currently allocated hours per activity.
title: Reporting
Ensuring staff and rooms are not overloaded during the teaching study block is an important considering for planning. One of the key ways we accomplish this is the reporting dashboards built into the tool.
title: Staff Query
It can be tricky to keep track of which sessions are running in which week across all modules. This view provides the ability to see which sessions a staff member is attached to (for example, for rebalacing workload).
title: Room Reporting
Room availablity can be a common issue during the planning cycle. We need to make sure we are making effective use of the spaces available, and are not requesting too much in one location (making it impossible to schedule). This view lets staff see how much has been allocated as guide to aid planning.
MPyT also has no knowledge of room capacities -- it treats a room pool as a uniform 'block' of hours. It therefore cannot warn about issues relating to capacities, special requirements, etc... (eg, it can't tell the difference between chapel and exchange lecture theatre), which must be resolved after the fact. It also doesn't know about rooms in multiple pools.
Due to this quite simplistic model, this report is (_very_) optimistic regarding maximum room pool capacities. Real world constraints often mean it is not _possible_ to fully schedule a space at the best of times. Please treat this view as **guide only**. We might be able to improve on this in future iterations, but this will never be perfect (we'd have to handle the full timetabling process for it to be 100% accurate!).
title: Staff Reporting
Staff workload considerations are an important part of the planning cycle. This has histoically been quite tricky to manage using existing tooling. This view is one of the ways that MPyT aims to help address this during the planning cycle.
The 'staff report' is available in the 'Reports' menu and will show a week-by-week breakdown of the activities attached to a staff member. If you want more detail, you can use the [Staff Query](../query) tool to find which sessions are scheduled in a given week.
title: Support
You can contact Joseph Walton-Rivers, or Joe Dawes for help using the tool. Your timetabling contact might also be able to provide limited support.
## Feature Requests
This tool is still experimental, we've designed it to be useful for our use-cases, but we know that not everyone will have the same requirements. If there are features you'd like to see added contact us and we'll add them to the backlog.
### Feature Backlog
* Modelling assessment workload + deadline planning
* Buyout modelling
* 'Make it a website' -- Andy Smith
* Better automation
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[{"content":"Module Planning Tool (MPyT) This is the documentation website for the Module Planning Tool developed by Falmouth\u0026amp;rsquo;s Computing/Games Teams.\nWhat does it do? The tool is designed to help course teams ease the module planning process and timetable submission for their departments. It:\nProvides a week-by-week overview of a module\u0026amp;rsquo;s activities as well as the staff and rooms attached Provides an easy-to-summarise backend to allow the generation of reports to aid in modelling Provide an export of course requirements, to aid the timetabling process Provide reports to aid in checking staff workload at the point of planning What does it not do? It does not actually timetable \u0026amp;ndash; just handles requirements There are limitations for the reporting, namely Model assessment workload (yet!) The name The name is a pun on the original (spreadsheet-based) planning tool, MPT, which has been rewritten in a programming language called Python, therefore, MPyT.\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"3976528693a0108357f4928017600865","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/","title":"Module Planning"},{"content":"Modules are how activities are grouped in MPyT. A module can have one or more cohorts attached to it. Please note the \u0026amp;rsquo;live\u0026amp;rsquo; mapping for timetabling purposes does not come from our system, but SITS directly, as a result, it is important to ensure the cohorts match what will be scheduled to ensure suitable planning capacities.\nSelecting a Module You can select a module from the list of modules shown on the left hand side of the main interface. You can filter this list using the search box (shown above the module list) - you can use either the module name or its code for this purpose. Selecting a module is as simple as clicking on its name.\n!Main interface\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"73099c9242f2ac5fc8f253a1b9f8a07b","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/modules/","title":"Modules"},{"content":"Activites are the things students are expected to attend for a module. These are from the student\u0026amp;rsquo;s perspective. The module window shows the currently planned activities as well as the expected hours based on the structured learning activities (SLA) planned for this module.\nActivities Name Description Example Label The name of the activity (student facing) Computing Concepts Type The type of activity (lecture, online workshop, etc\u0026amp;hellip;) Lecture ? ","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"b5b32d91509645d0565c5718ebd309da","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/modules/activities/","title":"Activities"},{"content":"Sometimes, an activity must be run in multiple iterations with a small number of students in each group. MPyT deals with this by treating all activities as consisting of iterations. For large activities like lectures, we create a single iteration of the activity.\nCreating a new iteration To create a new iteration, select an activity in the interface. The activity will be highlighted in a different colour. Once the activity is selected click on the \u0026amp;rsquo;edit\u0026amp;rsquo; button to show the iteration planner.\nSCREENSHOT OF ITERATION PLANNER HERE\nDesigning the iterations For a large activity, like a lecture, you can ignore most of the first page and leave them as the defaults. For activites which must be split into smaller groups, the group sizes and number of staff required can be set on this page.\nCreating the iterations The second tab lets you create iterations for your activity. Select the add bottom right of the iterface to create a new iteration. You can then edit the table to update this iterations details (such as providing a name and remarks for planning).\nAssigning Staff Staff can be attached to an iteration by clicking on the staff cell for that iteration. A window showing the available staff should pop up. If a staff member has multiple contracts, all the contracts available for scheduling will be listed seperately. Click on the tick box next to a staff member\u0026amp;rsquo;s name to assign them to this iteration. You can assign as many staff as required for a session as needed for this session.\nYou can check staff workloads using the Reports feature.\nAssigning Rooms Room allocation works the same way as allocating staff. Click on the room cell for the iteration you wish to plan for and select the room pools you wish to allocate. If multiple room pools are selected, the system will try to allocate both.\nYou can check room allocations using the Reports feature.\nRemarks Remarks can be used to communicate anything extra to the timetabling team. We use this for …","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"572d16795d5070abe017f8b7170e8cb4","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/modules/activities/iteration/","title":"Managing Iterations"},{"content":"It\u0026amp;rsquo;s useful to see how this module will look when planned out on a week-by-week basis. The tool features a weekly planning report to show this.\nSCREENSHOT HERE\nWeekly Breakdown This view shows the activity label on the left hand side, each column represents a week in the study block where this module is running. The hourage shows the currently allocated hours per activity.\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"f38f97524d9b4f3710c92d01c086b228","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/modules/activities/weekly/","title":"Weekly View"},{"content":"Ensuring staff and rooms are not overloaded during the teaching study block is an important considering for planning. One of the key ways we accomplish this is the reporting dashboards built into the tool.\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"5063d0a77bf7f8f41876a2258bfb715f","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/reports/","title":"Reporting"},{"content":"It can be tricky to keep track of which sessions are running in which week across all modules. This view provides the ability to see which sessions a staff member is attached to (for example, for rebalacing workload).\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"9dd1f04815a7b33133e205cd732daabf","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/reports/query/","title":"Staff Query"},{"content":"Room availablity can be a common issue during the planning cycle. We need to make sure we are making effective use of the spaces available, and are not requesting too much in one location (making it impossible to schedule). This view lets staff see how much has been allocated as guide to aid planning.\nMPyT also has no knowledge of room capacities \u0026amp;ndash; it treats a room pool as a uniform \u0026amp;lsquo;block\u0026amp;rsquo; of hours. It therefore cannot warn about issues relating to capacities, special requirements, etc\u0026amp;hellip; (eg, it can\u0026amp;rsquo;t tell the difference between chapel and exchange lecture theatre), which must be resolved after the fact. It also doesn\u0026amp;rsquo;t know about rooms in multiple pools.\nDue to this quite simplistic model, this report is (very) optimistic regarding maximum room pool capacities. Real world constraints often mean it is not possible to fully schedule a space at the best of times. Please treat this view as guide only. We might be able to improve on this in future iterations, but this will never be perfect (we\u0026amp;rsquo;d have to handle the full timetabling process for it to be 100% accurate!).\nSCREENSHOT HERE\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"d9e32ff8fc2930c608d989d1139bcb3a","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/reports/room/","title":"Room Reporting"},{"content":"Staff workload considerations are an important part of the planning cycle. This has histoically been quite tricky to manage using existing tooling. This view is one of the ways that MPyT aims to help address this during the planning cycle.\nThe \u0026amp;lsquo;staff report\u0026amp;rsquo; is available in the \u0026amp;lsquo;Reports\u0026amp;rsquo; menu and will show a week-by-week breakdown of the activities attached to a staff member. If you want more detail, you can use the Staff Query tool to find which sessions are scheduled in a given week.\nSCREENSHOT HERE\n","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"1c910019dd454daa46d10fda79ed1026","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/reports/staff/","title":"Staff Reporting"},{"content":"You can contact Joseph Walton-Rivers, or Joe Dawes for help using the tool. Your timetabling contact might also be able to provide limited support.\nFeature Requests This tool is still experimental, we\u0026amp;rsquo;ve designed it to be useful for our use-cases, but we know that not everyone will have the same requirements. If there are features you\u0026amp;rsquo;d like to see added contact us and we\u0026amp;rsquo;ll add them to the backlog.\nFeature Backlog Modelling assessment workload + deadline planning Buyout modelling \u0026amp;lsquo;Make it a website\u0026amp;rsquo; \u0026amp;ndash; Andy Smith Better automation ","date":-62135596800,"description":"","objectID":"e033c023e5006835c62eb97dcba04ee1","permalink":"http://localhost:1313/support/","title":"Support"}]
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<h1>MPyT -- Module Planning Tool</h1><span class="version">Version 0.2-BETA</span><a href="" class="github"><i class="fab fa-github"></i></a>
<p class="description">Screen, Technology and Performance&#39;s internal modelling tool</p>
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