# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2021 Bruce Cowan <>
"""Karma service"""
def activate(self):
if "karma" not in self:
self["karma"] = collections.Counter()
def _change_karma(self, target: str, value: int) -> str:
target = target.strip()
return f"Karma for '{target}' is now {self['karma'][target]}"
@errbot.re_botcmd(pattern=r"(.+)\+\+", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def on_karma_inc(self, message: errbot.Message, match: re.Match) -> str | None:
if message.frm == self.bot_identifier:
@errbot.re_botcmd(pattern=r"(.+)--", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def on_karma_dec(self, message: errbot.Message, match: re.Match) -> str | None:
if message.frm == self.bot_identifier:
def karma(self, message: errbot.Message, args: str | None) -> str:
if not args:
return "**Usage**: !karma <target>"
return f"Karma for '{args}' is {self['karma'][args]}"
def karma_top(self, message: errbot.Message, args: str | None) -> str:
"""Gets the top n items"""
if len(self["karma"]) == 0:
return "There are no items with karma"
num = int(args)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
num = 5
top = self["karma"].most_common(num)
return ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in top])
def karma_bottom(self, message: errbot.Message, args: str | None) -> str:
"""Gets the bottom n items"""
if len(self["karma"]) == 0:
return "There are no items with karma"
num = int(args)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
num = 5
bottom = self["karma"].most_common()[: -num - 1 : -1]
return ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in bottom])
def karma_reset(self, message: errbot.Message, args: str | None) -> str:
args = args.strip()
if args not in self["karma"]:
return "**Error**: no such item"
with self.mutable("karma") as k:
del k[args]
return f"Deleted {args}"