\subtitle{\textbf{Lab} - Searchable Design Spaces}
\begin{frame}{Design Spaces}
\item In this morning's session we talked about \keyterm{Game Parameters}
\item These are properties which help to define the game
\item These are often \textbf{dependant} on one another. \note{\item Why is this dependance possibly an issue?}
\section{Flappy Bird}
\begin{frame}{Exercise: Game Parameters}
What game parameters are there for \gametitle{Flappy Bird}?
\begin{frame}{Answer: Game Parameters}
\caption{paramters by Isaksen et al @ NYU}
\begin{frame}{Flappy Birds}
Go to the \href{}{\gametitle{Flappy Bird} demo} and change the sliders.\\
How does changing the parameters affect the gameplay?
\url{} \cite{isaksen2015exploring}
\begin{frame}{How does this relate to us?}
Isaksen et al basically did the following:
\item Select parameters
\item Repeat $N$ times
\item Generate games
\item Evaluate games
\item Record results
\item Output result
This is how we're going to think about tuning our own game parameters.
\begin{frame}{The Role of AI}
\item[Problem] Doing evaluations is time consuming
\item[Solution] Make AIs that play them
Lets look at a more complicated example
\item Number of bullets
\item Speed of bullets
\item Number of asteroids
\item Number of asteroid children
\item Ship speed
\item Ship turn rate
\item Rankings
\item Score difference
\item Time to win (game ticks)
\item Distance travelled
Create a version of \textit{Asteroids} that \textbf{disadvantages} the rotate and shoot player over the other agents.