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\subtitle{Artificial Intelligence}
\date{Monday, 21 May 2018}

	treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered,
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	arn_r/.style = {treenode, circle, red, draw=red, 
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	\begin{frame}{Artificial Intelligence}
			\item Production Rule Agents
			\item Monte-Carlo Tree Search
			\item Genetic Algorithms
			\item Neural Networks

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Production Rule Agents}
public interface Rule

default boolean canFire(int playerID, GameState state)
return execute(playerID, state) != null;
Action execute(int playerID, GameState state);	
\begin{frame}{Production Rule Agents}
		\node[state,initial] (0) {\tiny Pop next rule};
		\node[state] (1) [above right=of 0] {\tiny Check if fires};
		\node[state,accepting] (1y) [above =of 1]{\tiny Return action};
		\node[state] (2) [below right=of 1] {\tiny Rule Remaining};
		\node[state, accepting] (3) [right= of 2] {\tiny Return null};
		(0) edge [bend left] node [ above] {} (1)
		(1) edge node [left] {\tiny Yes} (1y)
		(1) edge [bend left] node [ below] {\tiny No} (2)
		(2) edge [bend left] node [ below] {\tiny Yes} (0)
		(2) edge [bend left] node [ below] {\tiny No} (3);
\begin{frame}{Production Rule Agents}

		\href{}{Try it out!} 
			Do live demo - 
			First Agent
				\item Play If Certain
				\item Tell Randomly
				\item Discard Randomly
		Second Agent
			\item Play Probably Safe Card: 0.8
			\item Tell Randomly
			\item Discard Randomly
		Place Discard at top of order and run. Order of rules important

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Monte-Carlo Tree Search}
	\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',level/.style={sibling distance = 5cm/#1,
		level distance = 1.5cm},scale=1,every node/.style={transform shape}] 
	\node [arn_n] {0}
		node [arn_r] (c1) {0}
		child{ node [arn_n] (c) {0} edge from parent node[above left] {Tell 1}}
		child{ node [arn_n] (d) {1} edge from parent node[above right] {Play 1}}     
		edge from parent node[above left] {Tell 1}                     
	child{ node [arn_r] {0}
		child{ node [arn_n] (a) {0} edge from parent node[above left] {Tell 1}}
		child{ node [arn_n] (b) {1} edge from parent node [above right] {Play 1}
		edge from parent node [above right]{Discard 1}
	\path (a) -- (b) node [midway] {$\cdots$};
	\path (c) -- (d) node [midway] {$\cdots$};

\begin{frame}{Monte-Carlo Tree Search}
		\item Selection
			\item $\argmax_i f(i) = \frac{w_i}{n_i} + c\sqrt{\frac{\ln N_i}{n_i}} $
		\item Expansion
		\item Simulation
		\item Back-propagation

\begin{frame}{Genetic Algorithms}

		\node[box](init) at (-1, 0){Initial \\ Population};
		\node[box](decode) at (2, 0){Decode \\ Population};
		\node[box](fitness) at (5, 0){Calculate \\ Fitness};
		\node[box](selection) at (8, 0){Selection};
		\node[box](cross) at (8, -2.5){Crossover};
		\node[box](mutate) at (8, -5){Mutation};
		\node[box](newPop) at (2, -5){New Population};
		(init) edge [] node [] {} (decode)
		(decode) edge [] node [] {} (fitness)
		(fitness) edge [] node [] {} (selection)
		(selection) edge [] node [] {} (cross)
		(cross) edge [] node [] {} (mutate)
		(mutate) edge [] node [] {} (newPop)
		(newPop) edge [] node [] {} (decode)
