<li><ahref="#gd-hack">Game Design Hack (3-4 students per group)</a></li>
<li><ahref="#gd-player">Player Experiance Experiments (3-4 students per group)</a></li>
<li><ahref="#gd-player">Player Experience Experiments (3-4 students per group)</a></li>
<h2>Submission Process</h2>
<p>Where deliverables are required, deliverables should be emailed to: <ahref="mailto:jwalto@essex.ac.uk?subject=Game Design 2">jwalto@essex.ac.uk</a> with the subject Game Design 2: (team name)</p>
<h2>1. Asteroids Experiment [10%]</h2>
<pclass="lead"> Searching a design space </p>
@@ -32,6 +28,11 @@
<li> Code project with the modifications</li>
<p>Submission should be zipped into a single file and emailed to:
<pclass="lead">In groups, take a game developed as part of the game design hack and use AI experiments to determine two experiments for human player testing. Perform play testing on these varierents recording relevent results and give a presentation with these findings.</p>
<h2>3. Player Experience Experiments [50%]</h2>
<pclass="lead">In groups, take a game developed as part of the game design hack and use AI experiments to determine two experiments for human player testing. Perform play testing on these variants recording relevent results and give a presentation with these findings.</p>
<h3>3a. Final Presentation [10%]</h3>
<pclass="lead">Create a presentation explaining your game, explain the two varients of your game, the metrics that you used and the results of the games</p>
<pclass="lead">Create a presentation explaining your game, explain the two variants of your game, the metrics that you used and the results of the games</p>
<li>Presenetation explains game well (15%)</li>
<li>Varients explained well (15%)</li>
<li>Presentation explains game well (15%)</li>
<li>Variants explained well (15%)</li>
<li>Metrics explained well (15%)</li>
<li>Discussion of results (30%)</li>
<li>Presentation qaulity (15%)</li>
<li>Balence of contributions to presentation (10%)</li>
<li>Balance of contributions to presentation (10%)</li>
<li>The presentation itself (pptx or pdfs)</li>
<li>Presnetation given on Week 2, Session 5 PM</li>
<li>Presentation given on Week 2, Session 5 PM</li>