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Joseph Walton-Rivers's avatar
Joseph Walton-Rivers committed
\date{Monday, 14 May 2018}


	\section{Game Design}
			\item Games have rules
			\item Rules are important \begin{itemize}
				\item Too many rules $\Rightarrow$ Not fun
				\item Too few rules $\Rightarrow$ Not fun
	%TODO give this section a better name
	\section{Richard's Hierarchy}
	\begin{frame}{Richard's Hierarchy}
		\item These slides are 'borrowed' from Prof. Bartle's slides.
		\item Although we've used a different font...
		\item We're recapping this because it's important to what we're doing
		\item also, you've done exams since then...
	\begin{frame}{Richard's Hierarchy}
		\item Tokens (aka entities)
		\item Rules
		\item Features
		\item Gameplay

					\item Things that can \textbf{act} or \textbf{be acted upon}
					\item Game Rules \textbf{directly} concern tokens
					\item In \textbf{computer} games, tokens are usually the \textbf{programming} objects/entities
						\item They \textbf{may} have associated assets
						\item They \textbf{may} have associated properties

			\item Rules refer to \textbf{tokens} and each \textbf{other}
			\item Features emerge from rule interactions
			\item Example:
				\item Rule 1 - Artillery kills infantry with no cover.
				\item Rule 2 - Artillery makes craters.
				\item Rule 3 - Craters provide cover for infantry.
			\note{Company of Heroes by Relic entertainment implemented this example}
			\item The \textbf{emergent feature} is ``Defences need to be managed''
			\item Rules \textbf{together} with features form the \textbf{mechanics} by which gameplay emerges

		\item Features are what makes this game different to other games.
		\item In terms of mechanics, this usually means ways to organise tokens
		\item it can mean ways to organise tokens
		\item Features emerge from interactions between game rules
		\item Gameplay emerges from iterations between features.

		``A series of interesting choices'' \par\raggedleft -- Sid Meier
		\item In the same way that features emerge from rule interactions, gameplay emerges from feature interactions
		\item Gameplay is what players do in the game to have fun
		\item There are subjective degrees of gameplay

	\subsection{An Example}

	\section{Something else}
			\item Positive feedback loops
			\item Negative feedback loops

	\begin{frame}{Positive Feedback Loops}
				\item In a positive feedback loop, the better you do something the easier it becomes.
				\item Your lead will increase if being ahead gives you an advantage
				\item Unstable and not good between players
					\node[draw](res) at (0, 0) {Resources};
					\node[draw, align=center](city) at (4.5, 0) {Settlements\\ \& Cities};
					(res) edge [bend right] node [below] {Pay for} (city)
					(city) edge [bend right] node [above] {Generate} (res)
				\node[draw, align=center](kill) at (0, 0) {Tower \\ Kills Enemy};
				\node[draw, align=center](gains) at (2, 2) {Gains \\ Experience};
				\node [draw, align=center](lvlup) at (4, 0) {Tower \\ Levels Up};
				(kill) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (gains)
				(gains) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (lvlup)
				(lvlup) edge [bend left] node [below] {Kills more} (kill)
				\node[draw, align=center](scores) at (0, 0) {You Score \\ A Hit};
				\node[draw, align=center](drunk) at (2, 2) {Other Player \\ More Drunk};
				\node[draw, align=center](less) at (4, 0) {Other Player \\ Less Accurate};
				(scores) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (drunk)
				(drunk) edge [bend left] node [right] {} (less)
	\begin{frame}{Negative Feedback Loops}
				\item In a negative feedback loop, the better you do something the harder it becomes.
				\item Your lead will decrease if being ahead gives you a disadvantage
				\item Very good at all levels of gameplay
				\node[draw, align=center](winning) at (0, 0) {More \\Villages};
				\node[draw, align=center](robbed) at (2, 2) {Gets \\Robbed};
				\node[draw, align=center](less) at (4, 0) {Less Chance \\ Of Winning};
				(winning) edge [bend left] node [above left, align=center] {More \\ Likely} (robbed)
				(robbed) edge [bend left] node [above right, align=center] {Leads \\ To} (less)
				\node[draw, align=center](expand) at (0, 0) {Capture Cities \\ Too Fast} ;
				\node[draw, align=center](upkeep) at (2, 2) {Too much \\ to defend};
				\node[draw, align=center](lose) at (4, 0) {Lose Citites \\ Couldn't Defend};
				\node[draw, align=center](worse) at (2,-2) {Worse Off \\ Than before};
				(expand) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (upkeep)
				(upkeep) edge [bend left] node [right] {} (lose)
				(lose) edge [bend left] node [right] {Possibly} (worse)
				(worse) edge [bend left] node [left] {Idiot} (expand) 
				\node[draw, align=center](ahead) at (0, 0) {Overtake};
				\node[draw, align=center](gets) at (2, 2) {Gets Shot \\ At};
				\node[draw, align=center](overtaken) at (4, 0) {Gets Overtaken};
				(ahead) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (gets)
				(gets) edge [bend left] node [right] {} (overtaken)


	\section{Game Parameters}

		\caption{Mechanics are like a game's DNA, and they often evolve from earlier games \cite{koster2013theory}}
				\item[SpaceWar] 2p pvp Asteroids ships fighting
				\item[Space Invaders] Marching columns, single dimension of movement
				\item[Asteroids] Combined the two
				\item[Galaxian] Simple improvement to Space Invaders
				\item[Galaga] Sequel to Galaxian - Added tractor beam
				\item[Defender] - 2D movement and rescuing
				\item[Choplifter] - Reskin of Defender
				\item[Xevious] - Mario style scrolling aircraft
				\item[Zaxxon] - Isometric view


		There are great opportunities for mining minor variations on existing games

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